US History – Week of 5/6 - 5/10

Hey Folks!

This week we will continue with Topic 18 An Era of Change.

Have a great week!

Essential Question:

In what ways did the United States change socially and culturally during the 1970s? What accounted for the changes in American attitudes during this time?

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.5 The Environmental Movement

Objectives: Assess the causes and effects of the environmental movement. Analyze why environmental protection became a controversial issue.

Topic 18.6 Nixon’s Foreign Policy

Objectives: Explain the thinking behind Richard Nixon’s foreign policy. Define Nixon’s foreign policy toward China and the Soviet Union.

Topic 18.7 Nixon and the Watergate Scandal

Objectives: Describe Richard Nixon’s attitude toward “big” government. Analyze Nixon’s southern strategy. Explain the Watergate incident and its consequences.

Topic 18.8 The Ford and Carter Years

Objectives: Evaluate the presidency of Gerald Ford. Assess the domestic policies of Jimmy Carter. Analyze how American society changed in the 1970s.

This Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 18.5 The Environmental Movement
  2. Topic 18.6 Nixon’s Foreign Policy
  3. Topic 18.7 Nixon and the Watergate Scandal
  4. Topic 18.8 The Ford and Carter Years

Last Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 18.1 The Counterculture
  2. Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement
  3. Topic 18.3 Origins of the LGBTQ Movement
  4. Topic 18.4 The Rights Revolution Expands