Week of April 29th

Less than 1 month till graduation!!!!!!!!!!!
Important Upcoming Dates: 
May 6th --- FRCC Ends
May 10th --- Westgate Clothing Swap
May 11th --- Leaving for Belize -- I will be sending out details very soon!
May 17th --- If your senior is not on the Belize trip, they do not go to Westgate this afternoon
May 21st --- Graduation Cap decoration and Schneider Hair dye, class together time starting at 11:30 AM
May 22nd --- Senior Brunch and Graduation rehearsal.  Students need to be at Westgate at 8 AM and bring their cap and gowns. 
May 23rd -- Graduation
411 I will be sending tons of emails soon about all of the following: 
* Be on the lookout for a sign up genius and information about Senior Brunch.   The planning committee met yesterday and we are working on getting correspondance out to you all ASAP.
* Zoo Field trip permission slip link: https://forms.office.com/r/G7s3GahEN1
* Be on the lookout for Belize Travel Information, Details, etc.  I will be sending out my contact information in case anyone needs anything. 
As we approach Graduation, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions, I am happy to answer any and all.