Homecoming is September 29th!

High School Homecoming is fast approaching! Here's everything you need to know:

 Date: Friday, September 29th

Time: 7PM - 10PM

Where: Westgate High School

Price: $20 (includes pizza and a drink. Water will be provided for free)

Theme: Superhero Homecoming

Attire: Semi-formal (students generally dress up, though not as all-out as prom)

Tickets:  Students can pay at the front desk or on the school store starting today! Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door when entering the dance. Your student will not receive a physical copy of a ticket as they do for prom, but we will keep a running list if they pay ahead of time. Tickets can also be purchased online at our school's payment portal (click here!). A small processing fee will be added if purchased online. 

One ticket to Homecoming on Friday, September 29th. $20 plus 2.9% processing fee. Each ticket includes a slice of pizza and a soda.

Who can attend: Homecoming is open to all Westgate High School students. They may ask the front desk for a Guest Form if they would like to invite a high school student from another school. Guest Forms are due Monday, September 25th.

 Happenings: Along with the dance itself, students will have a room to eat and a room to play games. We will also hold our annual Homecoming Flick Football tournament during this time, so find a teammate and begin practicing now!

Hope to see your students there!

 Best, and please reach out to me or your advocate if you have any questions,

-Tim Cuevas