Mr. Baldwin Advocacy

Course Description


Week of 2/12-2/16

Friday, February 16- NO SCHOOL: Professional Development Day for Teachers

Monday, February 19- NO SCHOOL: Presidents’ Day


Please check the SignUpGenius for our advocacy's donation basket for the carnival!


Kindness Card Delivery- February 14

On Wednesday, in the afternoon, we will be walking to local businesses around the school to deliver the kindness cards that the students have been working on for the past week. Please make sure your student has turned in the permission slip no later than Tuesday to attend this field trip with us. Also, because we will be walking, be sure your student has appropriate footwear and dresses for the weather.

Allegro is returning the gratitude to our class on Wednesday by allowing our students to sample Hibiscus Tea while we are visiting. If you do not want your student to sample the tea, please let me know by Tuesday evening. Also, Allegro would like to offer gift bags of coffee to students (to bring home to parents). Please let me know if you would like your student to opt out of this gift. 


Field Trip- Seussical the Musical at Horizon High School: February 22

On February 22, the ¾ team along with the 5/6 team will be going to Horizon High School to see their performance of Seussical the Musical. It’s going to be a great opportunity for our kids to see a high school production. Be on the look out for the permission slip for this event.



We desperately need volunteers for this day. It is a great opportunity to spend the day with our amazing students, offering them expertise and teaching them already created lessons! The teacher stays with you the entire time and JA provides the entire curriculum- all we need is YOU! If you are unavailable, but know someone who would be great for this, please put them in contact with me.

  • JA in a Day will be on Friday, February 23rd, 2018 at Westgate Community School
  • We are seeking 1 volunteer for every classroom K-8
  • Programs range in time commitment from half a day to full day programs 
  • If you are interested in volunteering for this fantastic opportunity, please reach out to your student's Advocacy teacher as soon as possible!


Kids believe they can be whatever they want when they grow up. And they’re right. But getting there isn’t always easy. No matter what your profession, your life experience and determination has prepared you to serve as a role model — not just to your children, but to their peers too.

Junior Achievement (JA) is partnering with Westgate to provide vital enrichment programs to students. In order for your school to take advantage of this exciting opportunity, we need your help to facilitate one of JA’s proven programs.


As a JA volunteer, you will use your life experience to become a role model for local students, teaching them about the “economics of life,” and helping them understand the fundamental connection between school and success.

You do not need any special financial skills or knowledge in order to volunteer. JA provides you with everything you need to be successful in the classroom. Volunteers receive training on how to use JA’s hands-on curriculum, and the teacher is there with you for support.


For more information or to sign up, contact your child’s teacher.

Week of 2/5 - 2/9

Please check the SignUpGenius for our advocacy's donation basket for the carnival!



We desperately need volunteers for this day. It is a great opportunity to spend the day with our amazing students, offering them expertise and teaching them already created lessons! The teacher stays with you the entire time and JA provides the entire curriculum- all we need is YOU! If you are unavailable, but know someone who would be great for this, please put them in contact with me.

  • JA in a Day will be on Friday, February 23rd, 2018 at Westgate Community School
  • We are seeking 1 volunteer for every classroom K-8
  • Programs range in time commitment from half a day to full day programs 
  • If you are interested in volunteering for this fantastic opportunity, please reach out to your student's Advocacy teacher as soon as possible!


Kids believe they can be whatever they want when they grow up. And they’re right. But getting there isn’t always easy. No matter what your profession, your life experience and determination has prepared you to serve as a role model — not just to your children, but to their peers too.

Junior Achievement (JA) is partnering with Westgate to provide vital enrichment programs to students. In order for your school to take advantage of this exciting opportunity, we need your help to facilitate one of JA’s proven programs.


As a JA volunteer, you will use your life experience to become a role model for local students, teaching them about the “economics of life,” and helping them understand the fundamental connection between school and success.

You do not need any special financial skills or knowledge in order to volunteer. JA provides you with everything you need to be successful in the classroom. Volunteers receive training on how to use JA’s hands-on curriculum, and the teacher is there with you for support.


For more information or to sign up, contact your child’s teacher.


Advocacy Focus: February- healthy relationships


Kindness Cards/Valentine’s Day

On February 14, we will once again be creating and delivering kindness cards to surrounding businesses. This is a school-wide event in lieu of having Valentine’s day parties and handing out valentines to each other. It is a great time for our kids to show their creative side as well as give back to our awesome community. We will NOT be having a Valentine’s day party nor will we be handing out valentines to each other. If you’d like to hand out valentines, please do so off campus and outside school hours. Permission slips came home in Friday folders last week. Please turn them in ASAP!


No Items to Specials!

This year, we’ve seen an increase in the number of unnecessary items going to specials. As was stated in November, students are not to be taking these things to specials and if students do not heed the warning, he/she will have his/her things confiscated and kept until the end of the quarter. We offer several warnings before sending students to specials, so there’s no reason additional things should be taken to specials. Thank you for your support with this as we partner with our specials team to ensure the students get the most out of their specials classes.

Week of January 28- February 2


  • JA in a Day will be on Friday, February 23rd, 2018 at Westgate Community School
  • We are seeking 1 volunteer for every classroom K-8
  • Programs range in time commitment from half a day to full day programs 
  • If you are interested in volunteering for this fantastic opportunity, please reach out to your student's Advocacy teacher as soon as possible!


Kids believe they can be whatever they want when they grow up. And they’re right. But getting there isn’t always easy. No matter what your profession, your life experience and determination has prepared you to serve as a role model — not just to your children, but to their peers too.

Junior Achievement (JA) is partnering with Westgate to provide vital enrichment programs to students. In order for your school to take advantage of this exciting opportunity, we need your help to facilitate one of JA’s proven programs.


As a JA volunteer, you will use your life experience to become a role model for local students, teaching them about the “economics of life,” and helping them understand the fundamental connection between school and success.

You do not need any special financial skills or knowledge in order to volunteer. JA provides you with everything you need to be successful in the classroom. Volunteers receive training on how to use JA’s hands-on curriculum, and the teacher is there with you for support.


For more information or to sign up, contact your child’s teacher.


Advocacy Focus: January- Self-regulation

This will be our last week of focusing on self-regulation in advocacy. Please check in with your student and have him/her tell you all about the fun activities we’ve been working on to help them self-regulate. You may learn something, too!


Mid-Year PALS Assessment

We will be finishing up PALS assessing with the 3rd graders this week and next week. This is our mid-year check-in to continue to inform our instruction in literacy. It is also one of the district’s mandated assessments of all Adams 12 schools. Only K-3rd are required to take the assessment.


Valentine’s Day

On February 14, we will once again be creating and delivering kindness cards to surrounding businesses. This is a school-wide event in lieu of having Valentine’s day parties and handing out valentines to each other. It is a great time for our kids to show their creative side as well as give back to our awesome community. We will NOT be having a Valentine’s day party nor will we be handing out valentines to each other. If you’d like to hand out valentines, please do so off campus and outside school hours.

Week of 1/22 to 1/26

Field Trip Day- Tuesday, January 23!

We have our K-8 field trip on Tuesday this week. We will be attending the symphony down at the Denver Center for Performing Arts. Permission slips were sent home last week and MUST be turned in for your student to attend. ALL students must bring a lunch to eat. Any hot lunch orders will be canceled for Tuesday. Make sure your student wears appropriate clothing as we may be standing outside the performing arts center before and after the performance. 


Advocacy Theme for January- Self-regulation

Our theme this month for advocacy is focused on self-regulation. We have been working on and will continue to work on a variety of activities, many of which you should see in Friday folders. 

Healthy Lunches and Snacks!

Please make sure your student is bring in healthy lunches and snacks to school. Since our return from winter break, we've noticed an increase in the amount of candy some of our students are bringing to school. Protein-based snacks are best and help our students sustain focus and performance all day long!

PALS Mid-Year Assessment

Starting this week, we will be pulling all 3rd graders to do mid-year PALS assessment. This is our mid-year check to ensure that all of our 3rd graders are making progress in reading and spelling. Please let me know if you have any questions. 

Class Picture Day- January 26

Class picture day is on Friday! Your student can wear whatever you and he/she would like to. There's not dress code required.


Jumprope for Heart Information

In your student's Friday folder, you should've received information about Jumprope for Heart. It is a campaign the students are doing with Mr. Wise. Please send any questions you have to him.


Kids believe they can be whatever they want when they grow up. And they’re right. But getting there isn’t always easy. No matter what your profession, your life experience and determination has prepared you to serve as a role model — not just to your children, but to their peers too.

Junior Achievement (JA) is partnering with your child’s school to provide vital enrichment programs to students. In order for your school to take advantage of this exciting opportunity, we need your help to facilitate one of JA’s proven programs.
As a JA volunteer, you will use your life experience to become a role model for local students, teaching them about the “economics of life,” and helping them understand the fundamental connection between school and success. 

You do not need any special financial skills or knowledge in order to volunteer. JA provides you with everything you need to be successful in the classroom. Volunteers receive training on how to use JA’s hands-on curriculum, and the teacher is there with you for support.
For more information or to sign up, contact your child’s teacher.


Monday- full day

Tuesday- full day

Wednesday- full day

Thursday- half day 8:00-11:30; student-led conferences 12:30-6:30

Friday- half day 8:00-11:30

During this week, we will be spending time doing PARCC practice assessments for math and literacy and working on portfolios. We have a couple holiday focused crafts happening later in the week.


Field Trip- TUESDAY!

  • Make sure your student’s permission slip has been turned in
  • Students should wear comfortable shoes and weather appropriate clothing
  • Students will need to bring a sack lunch- nothing in lunch boxes (everything disposable), no pizza lunchables, and nothing that needs to be heated up
  • Students will not be bringing anything with them on the bus, besides their lunch and a jacket


“Holiday Best” Dress Up Day- THURSDAY

We would like to do a dress up day with the entire team. We would like everyone to dress in their “holiday best” to help get our students in the mood for student-led conferences and really feel professional!


Student-Led Conferences- sign-up!

In case you haven’t done so yet, please sign-up for a student-led conference. It’s simple. Just go to and sign up for a time that works for you and your child. Then enjoy the presentation, praise your child’s growth, and discuss next semester’s goals together. Teachers will be present for any questions you have but first, take the time to watch your child shine. Can’t wait to parents and students on Thursday, December 21st!

If you are looking for more information about what exactly student-led conferences are, you should’ve received an email from me on Friday.



Everyone come dressed in your favorite jammies! Holiday PJ’s welcome.


Holiday Party- FRIDAY 10am to 11:30am

  • If you’ve signed up to bring something in for the party, please either send it in with your student or drop it off at the front desk with the advocacy teacher’s name on it.
  • Only parents signed up to volunteer are permitted to join us for the party
  • Once the party has begun, students will not be able to leave until after clean up


Winter Break Read-a-Thon

Our 2nd annual Winter Break Read-a-thon is coming soon!
Students may begin gathering pledges now!
Pledge form can be downloaded to the left.
Your child may collect flat donations for participation OR set a reading goal and receive pledges per minute.
All cash or check donations must be turned into the front office dropbox by Friday, January 26, 2018. Checks should be made out to “Westgate Community School”
The Winter Break Read-a-Thon will take place from December 23rd to January 15th,
kicking off with an all school DAY OF READING! the week before Winter Break.
You can log your child's time using the Reading Log to the left. 

 Money raised through our 2nd Annual Winter Break Read-a-Thon
will count toward our total Annual Campaign goal of $15,000!


Every child is asked to read over Winter Break at whatever level is
interestingchallenging, and enjoyable to them.
A little bit of reading every day will help with vacation boredom.

Week 12/11-12/15

All Work DUE 12/13

The grade book is closing this Friday for quarter 2. This means that all work, including late and make-up work, needs to be turned in no later than Dec. 13. We will not be accepting late work for quarter 2 after Wednesday. 


Send your student with a coat!

While this Colorado weather has been much warmer than normal, it is still quite cold in the mornings while we're out at recess. Please check to see that your student has a coat with him/her before coming to school.


Fidget vs. Toy

A fidget is something small (no bigger than can fit in the palm of your hand) that helps you focus on your work. A fidget becomes a toy once the focus moves from the work to the object in hand. Using those guidelines, students are not to have toys with them in class. If a student is found to be playing with a toy in class, the toy will be confiscated until student-led conferences. Please help us with this continued conversation with your student.


Conference Sign-up Reminder

Sign up for a student-led conference with your student on Thursday, Dec. 21! Come hear from your student about all of the great things we've been doing at school! 


Pick-up Reminder

All K-4 students must be picked up in the K-4 area. Older siblings need to meet their younger siblings over in the K-4 area and parents coming through the carline need to come through the K-4 line. This is for the safety of our younger students and a requirement made by admin. If you have questions, please reach out.


Holiday Party

We will have our holiday party on Friday, December 22. Below you will find the sign-up genius for the party. Items can be dropped off at the front desk on the day of or sent in with your student. Please let me know if you have any questions.

*Only parents that sign up to help will be allowed to attend the party. All volunteers must have a completed background check* The 3/4 pod will be making Gingerbread Houses out of graham crackers as part of the Winter party. Please keep in mind that there are 100 kids in 3/4 and we want to make sure we have enough for everyone to enjoy the party.


Holiday Shop

Each year, during a week in December, the school has a pop up holiday shop. Within the shop are items that students can purchase for family members and loved ones and it also help raise money for the school. The shop will be open next week, Monday through Friday, during lunch/quiet time and after school from 3:15-4:30. Students will only be sent down if they have money during the school hours. After school, students must be accompanied by an adult in the holiday shop.


Food Drive

Our annual food drive is currently happening! Please bring in non-perishable food items to donate to the food bank. Collection of food is occurring at the front desk and goes through Friday, December 8. Let’s help feed our community!


Children’s Hospital Toy Donation





Please check infinite campus and make sure your student’s grades are turned in and up to date. Any discrepancies or questions need to be directed to the teacher.


Student-Led Conferences

Student-led conferences will be held on Thursday, December 21 from 12:30 pm to 6:30 pm. This is a time for you to come in with your student have him/her fill you in on all of the great learning they’ve been doing all semester long. Conference sign-ups will be up by the end of the day on Monday. You will need to sign up for a conference time, but these are self-paced and managed by the student. Teachers will be available for any questions, but the conferences are centered around the student sharing with you about what they’ve learned.




November 27- December 1


Welcome back from Thanksgiving break! I hope you had a restful time with family and ready for this 4-week stretch to Winter Break. We have lots to do between now and then.


A few reminders:

  • Please remind your student to leave toys at home. It’s also a great rule of thumb to not bring anything to school that you wouldn’t want to go missing.
  • Students should not be carrying around anything from class to class, such as: backpacks, purses, etc. Backpacks and jackets are kept in advocacy classes.
  • Students cannot leave their jackets outside at recess. We started implementing this right before Thanksgiving break. Many of our students are taking off their jackets the minute they go outside and then not collecting them before entering the building again. This is resulting in an overflowing lost and found. This should also help prevent any spread of sickness, including lice. Bottom line- if a student takes their jacket outside, they need to be wearing it or keep it by them.

Student-Led Conferences- COMING UP!

We will be holding student-led conferences the Thursday before Winter break, December 21. This will be a half day for students and the remainder of the day will be a chance for you to hear, from your student, all about what they’ve been learning this semester! These are self-paced, but we will still have a sign up so please be on the lookout for that.


November 13- 17


4th Grade Rendezvous THIS FRIDAY!

During the science and social studies blocks this Friday, November 17, the 4th grade students will be putting on a Rendezvous in Mrs. Woodward’s social studies class. The third graders will be participating this year in the Rendezvous.


NEXT WEEK- Thanksgiving Break!

Next week is Thanksgiving break. There will not be school Monday through Friday. We will see you all again on November 28!


Lost and Found

Please check lost and found before Thanksgiving break. All items left in lost and found after Friday at 4:00 pm will be donated.


Grades in IC

Please check your student’s grades for each of his/her classes in infinite campus. We are quickly approaching our half way point of the quarter. If you have any questions regarding your student’s grades, please contact the corresponding teacher directly.


MAP reports going out this week!

You will be receiving an email from me later this week with your student’s most recent MAP scores. In the email, you will also receive an explanation of the report. Any additional questions about your student’s scores can be directed to me or Daneke Callahan, our assessment coordinator.


Weather Changes

As always, Colorado weather is unpredictable. Please make sure your student is dressed appropriately for the entire day’s worth of weather. Please also make sure your student returns home with the same clothing items he/she came to school with! 


 November 10- NO SCHOOL!

This Friday, we will not have school due to Veteran's Day. We will see you on Monday!


November Advocacy Focus: Growth Mindset

Our focus this month in advocacy will be growth mindset. At Westgate, we value the need for our students to learn that having a growth mindset will help them continue to grow in every aspect of their lives, throughout their entire lives. 


Keep Your Personal Belongings at HOME

We've been struggling this year as a pod with personal belongings going missing from students' things. We are doing our best to make sure others are not going through belongs that are not theirs, but our best defense against having things stolen, is for the students to keep their personal belongings at home. If it's not something they need at school, I strongly suggest keeping it at home. Thank you for your support in this matter. 


Weather Changes

As our weather in Colorado continues to change, please make sure your student is coming to school dressed appropriately. In the mornings, it can often times be colder and require a sweatshirt or jacket, but the afternoons are warmer. We will go outside for morning recess and lunch recess as long as the overall temperature outside is 20 degrees. We don't want the kids to be miserable without the appropriate attire. Additionally, please talk with your student about making sure he/she comes home with any jacket or sweatshirt he/she left the house with that morning. Check the lost and found for any missing items. Also, if you put your child's name inside his/her jacket, that is really helpful! I try to make sure all jackets from our room are taken home everyday. 


Book Fair- Next WEEK!

Our school-wide book fair is taking place next week, Nov. 6-9. Students will have the opportunity to visit the book fair at school during lunch time to purchase items, but the book fair is also open after school from 3:30-4:30. Students must show me their physical money in order to be allowed to attend the book fair during lunch and it will be on a first come, first served basis. The students have asked if I will hold their money for the book fair at my desk so that it won't get taken from their backpacks and I have agreed. Please put your child's money in a envelope with his/her name on it and I have a drawer it can live in until they go to the book fair. After school, students must be accompanied by an adult. Help the school raise some money!


Can't attend the physical book fair at Westgate, help support us online! 


Online fair: October 29th-November 12th, 2017  
The online book fair will still go towards our ultimate goal of $6500.00 in sales.  The online fair will have more titles to choose from especially for our older students.  We have to be careful with content since we have such a range of age groups!  It's also a great way for friends and family that can't make the fair or live out of state.  The online fair is helpful when students (or teachers) are wanting to complete a series of books and not all of them are available at the school fair.  All books that are ordered online will be shipped for free directly to the school and will be delivered to the students to bring home.  
Here is a link: