Mrs. Schneider, Advocacy, 12th Grade


Week of September 18th

I hope this finds you all well and ready for fall! Below, you will find the links to sign up for Quarter 1 conferences. We will have a full day of in-person conferences followed by a half day of virtual conferences. Our format for HS conferences has changed, so please read below for details!

  Conference Dates   

In-Person: Monday, October 2nd, 8:00 AM to 8:00 PM (no conferences 12 – 1 or 5 – 6 for teacher breaks)   

Virtual: Tuesday, October 3rd, 8:00 AM to Noon   

Information for ALL Conferences  

Conferences by Subject/Teacher: At the bottom of this email you will find five signups - one for each individual HS teacher. Slots with teachers are 10 minutes long. If you would like to see a teacher to discuss your student's perform in their class, please sign up for a spot! You will need to sign up with each teacher individually, so feel free to take a spot with each teacher or simply sign up for the ones you feel you need to see most urgently. If you schedule with multiple teachers, please make sure the times don't overlap to avoid confusion. If you have advocacy-specific questions, you are more than welcome to schedule a slot with your student's advocate as well. If you are unable to find a slot that fits your schedule or if your conference runs out of time, please email specific teachers with questions about their classes. 

  Name Preference: We will begin each conference by asking for your student’s name and pronoun preferences. We will begin all conferences this way, even if we have met before.   

  Time slots required: Use the links below to sign up for 10-minute conferences. If you do not sign up before our conference days, we will not be able to meet, but feel free to send an email. We cannot accommodate families who walk in or log in without signing up prior to the conference date. In order to stay on schedule, if a conference ends and you still have questions, please send an email to the appropriate teacher. 

  Important Notes: As always, Infinite Campus is a great place to find your students’ grades as well as an updated record of what work your student is missing for individual classes. We are also available via email during normal school hours and will reply within two business days of receiving a question. If your student has a failing grade or a question that can’t be answered through email, then conferences are the place for you!  

 Information for IN-PERSON Conferences 

No Walk-Ins: It may be tempting to stop by the school and try to meet with the teachers, particularly if you are already here due to having students in other grades. If you do not sign up for a conference, please do not walk down in the hopes of the teachers being free. We keep a tight schedule during conferences, and it is unfair to those who signed up if we need to adjust things to try and accommodate walk-ins. 

 Information for VIRTUAL Conferences 

Virtual Platform: For these conferences, we will be using Microsoft Teams. We will send a link to everyone with a conference a few days before conferences take place. When you log on, please name yourself clearly so we know who you are.

 Conference Links 

Please use the links below for the teachers you would like to see. There are time slots on each page for both Monday (in-person) conferences as well as Tuesday (virtual) conferences. Please be sure your times with different teachers do not overlap!

Jason Brinkley (Spanish, Journalism)

Tim Cuevas (Math)

Dale Kern (Social Studies, Psychology)

Amanda Matthews Novello (English)

Amy Schneider (Science)

Homecoming 2023

High School Homecoming is fast approaching! Here's everything you need to know:


Date: Friday, September 29th

Time: 7PM - 10PM

Where: Westgate High School

Price: $20 (includes pizza and a drink. Water will be provided for free)

Theme: Superhero Homecoming

Attire: Semi-formal (students generally dress up, though not as all-out as prom)

Tickets:  Students can pay at the front desk or on the school store starting today! Tickets will also be available for purchase at the door when entering the dance. Your student will not receive a physical copy of a ticket as they do for prom, but we will keep a running list if they pay ahead of time. Tickets can also be purchased online at our school's payment portal (click here!). A small processing fee will be added if purchased online. 

Week of September 11th

* If you were not able to attend the Belize meeting, but would like the information please reach out to me. 
* Friday September 15th is International Dot Day. 
* Friday September 15th  Jostens will be coming to Senior Seminar to talk about ordering caps and gowns, and graduation invitations. 
* Friday September 22nd Regis University will be coming to talk with students during Seminar about the school and opportunities there. 

Week of September 4th

This is a busy month for seniors. 
Belize Information Meeting on Zoom: Tuesday September 5th -- Link sent in email
Picture Day: Friday September 8th
Jostens Visit: Friday September 15th  Help students get information on cap and gown ordering, optional invitation ordering, etc. 
Fun Run Support:  September 22nd   If you want to help support the younger students as they do the fun run
Last Day to Register for Belize September 29th
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns about all of the goings on. 

Week of August 28th

How is it the end of August already?
Senior Upcoming Events
* Curriculum Night August 31st from 5 PM until 6 PM -- Virtual Only.  We will send out the link very soon. 
* Belize Parent Information Meeting September 5th at 7 PM -- Virtual.  If you did not receive the link please reach out to me and I can make sure you get it. 
* Picture Day Friday September 8th,  I am sending order forms home with your students today
Fun Run Day -- September 22nd,  High School is not participating they will be receiving a shirt and are encouraged to come in the morning if available to cheer for the younger students. 
Last Day to Register for Belize -- Friday September 29th.  Please reach out to me should you need the registration link, I am happy to send it over. 
Seniors have a lot going on, please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Week August 21st

Happy First Week of Front Range!
Student Expectations: Seniors are expected to be at school on Friday no later than 12:20 PM; if they are fully enrolled at FRCC>
Senior Trip: I am working with Luke from Walking Tree to get a information meeting scheduled.  I will send you a calendar invite as soon as it is scheduled. 
There is a lot happening for your student this year, feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns. 

Week of August 14th

WELCOME BACK SENIOR CLASS!!!!  I am so excited to see you all again.
Weekly Agenda: 
Monday: ALL Seniors.  We will start the day with a quick circle and doughnut celebration to kick off your senior year.  You will spend the day getting information about your senior year, and changes to Westgate.  Its going to be a great day!
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday: CPR, please show up on your designated day, reach out to Mrs. Schneider if you don't know what day you are supposed to show up on.
Thursday: ART Museum Field Trip.  You will need to bring a sack lunch that day. 
As always, feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns. 

Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back, Wonderful Westgate Families! I hope you are excited for the year to begin! 

We have quite a few beginning-of-year updates and reminders. Please take a moment to read through the email and reach out if you have questions. Take a close look at the schedule near the end to make sure your student is ready for the first two weeks. 

Back to School Night: This will take place this Friday, August 4th (tomorrow) between 4:00 and 6:00 PM. The High School presentation will be down in the high school commons at 5:30. We will go over HS policies and procedures at that time. 

New Assistant Principal: I have the great honor of announcing our new assistant principal, Alexia Vasilopoulos! She has already done amazing things for the high school, and we are excited to work with her this upcoming school year. Come say hello at back to school night! 

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! We will be running mock interviews for Freshmen on Thursday, August 10th from roughly 9 to 11 AM and could use a hand! We need some community members willing to interview kids as if they were applying for a job. We will provide the questions (though feel free to add more), and volunteers will write notes or feedback to help the students in their future career hunts. Please reach out to myself or Alexia Vasilopoulos ([email protected]) if you would like to help. 

Front Range Community College (FRCC): FRCC will begin on Monday, August 21stStudents will have an adjusted Westgate schedule for the first two weeks of school (see below). 

Schedule (first two weeks): 

  • August 7th – August 11th: Freshmen (9th grade) Orientation. Freshmen attend all five days. 10th – 12th grades may stay home. 
  • August 14th – 18th9th through 11th grade students with FRCC classes will attend Westgate following their normal FRCC schedule (if they would leave Westgate at lunch for FRCC classes, they are done at Westgate for the day even though FRCC has not begun). The exception to this is a trip to the Art Museum on Thursday, August 17th, when all HS students should attend the full day. 12th grade students with FRCC classes will be here a few students at a time to take new CPR classes. All non-FRCC students will be here all week. Freshmen will also have a field trip to FRCC the morning of Wednesday, August 16th. A future email will have more details on both this and the art museum trip.

That's a lot of information, so here is a table version! 

*Seniors: Watch for an email from Amy Schneider with your CPR training day. You only need to attend Monday, Thursday, and the day of your CPR training. Non-FRCC seniors will be here every day, though will miss normal classes the day of their training. 

School and High School Handbook: Please take a look at these with your student. The first link is for the whole-school handbook, and the second is for high school-specific information. We will go over policies at Back to School Night in more detail.

Whole School Handbook

HS Handbook


I believe that's everything! As always, please reach out if you have any questions. See you Friday!