Mr. Varela, Language Arts, 6th Grade


Week of 8/21/23

Hello Parents and Guardians,
We have decided to make a bit of a pivot. This week, we're going to start reading World Without Fish by Mark Kurlasky. Students will be assigned some reading homework that I HOPE to post here once I have it available. For now, you can find the nights students need to read and what they'll need to read.
Monday Night (Home): Chapter 1, pages 1-8
Tuesday Night (Home): Nothing
Richard Varela

Week of 8/14/23

Hello Parents and Guardians,
We are starting our run-up to our very first unit. We're still in the process of generating ideas for potential writing work and organizing our reading journal in preparation for analysis and dialogue. Next week I'll outline our first unit and explain the project students will complete to show off their learning in both reading AND writing. The students already know the project so you might be able to coax that information out of them!
Richard Varela