Ms. Rosenblatt, Social Studies, 4th Grade, Section B


January 29-February 2

This week we are starting our unit on French and Spanish Exploration. We will  learn about the word choice of "explorer vs. colonizer" and begin to learn about famous French and Spanish explorers through our mini explorer project. 
This unit prepares us for our next unit that is all about exploration and expeditions!

January 22-26

This week we are learning about the Sand Creek Massacre. We will be reading articles and creating timelines demonstrating the events leading up to event and the fallout after.
We will also begin to discuss our unit on French and Spanish explorers and their impact on the environment and the Native American tribes in the area.

January 17-19

This week we will finish our Mountain Men and Fur Trappers/Traders unit answering the question: How did the arrival of the mountain men and fur trappers/traders impact the lives of the Native Americans who were living in Colorado already?
Since we lost a full day of class, we will only be speaking briefly about the Sand Creek Masacre. We will also talk about MLK Jr. and his impact on our society.

January 8-12

This week we will be learning about Kit Carson and mountain men. We are starting to learn about exploration vs. colonization this quarter. Students are encouraged to ask hard questions and dive deeper into the history of Colorado.
Next week we will be learning about the Sand Creek Masacre, which can be hard for some students.

December 11-13

This week we are learning about different winter holidays from around the world! Students have to research the origin, celebrations, importance and more of a holiday they might not know anything about. Students will present their projects to the class at the end of the week.
Holidays they are researching: Lunar New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice/Yule, Boxing Day, Soyal, and St. Nicholas Day.