Mrs. Emby-Goodwine, Math, 4th Grade


Week of 8/21

Hello families!
This past week we launched into a review of Place Value. Students now have a grade in the gradebook that reflects their current understanding of this skill. We will continue to work on place value for the next week, and I highly recommend spending a little time each night reviewing place value or multiplication, addition, and subtraction skills. Students can log in to their freckle accounts (the code is embyt6) to practice their math facts. 
Next week we will continue to review place value with two place value projects and an assessment at the end of the week. 

Welcome to 4th grade math! (8/14)

This week in math we are spending lots and lots of time reviewing place value. This is a really important skill, and one that is critical to being able to multiply and divide. To help your scholar at home, please take some time to use the review packets that came home on Friday. If for some reason that didn’t make it home to you, please reach out to me and I’ll make sure to find one for your scholar this week. If you do have time to work on some skills at home, please focus on addition and subtraction because we need those skills to be strong before we can move forward into more complex math that we’ll see in fourth grade.