Ms. Papiernik, Language Arts, 3rd Grade


Language Arts Week of 8/21

Things to do at home: Read for 15 minutes each night (30 is recommended)  

Next week we will start our spelling units, they will start off easy and get harder as the year goes on. We will have a spelling test every week.  

We start off each morning with a Fix the sentence 

Throughout this week I will be testing students for their Reading levels  

Monday: Fiction versus non-fiction, students will then read a book and decide whether it is fiction or non-fiction and will write how they knew it was that genre of book.  

Tuesday: continue testing, parts of a fiction text. Students will go into independent work and read a fiction book and fill out a fiction book report  

Wednesday: continue testing, making predictions/inferences from fiction texts and putting that prediction into writing.  

Thursday: continue testing, continue working on prediction and inferences in a fiction text and start working on describing characters and their traits  

Friday: continue testing, start personal narrative writing. We will be working on our brainstorming and organizers for this  

Language Arts Week of 8/14

We have a busy week this week in Language Arts. I had a lot of fun getting to know your scholars last week for our first week back. 
We are going to be reviewing a lot of second grade skills this week as a refresher so we can start to prepare ourselves for all the amazing things we will be doing this year. 
This week we will be reviewing how to write paragraphs and what parts we need in paragraphs (topic sentence, supporting details, and closing sentence). This will prepare us for our first writing project we will be doing, which will be narrative writing! This will be a great opportunity to talk to your student at home about what they are writing about. We will first start writing about your favorite vacation or favorite place to go to on Monday, this writing will be worked on throughout the week. Then our narrative writing project will include writing about a challenge you have faced in your life that you overcame. 
Throughout the school year we will be reading Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and we will be comparing the book to the movie when we finish the book! 
In order to help your student be successful in Language Arts this year I encourage trying to read at least 15 minutes each night (30 minutes if you can). After reading, have a conversation with your student about what the book was about, who were the characters, and where it took place.