Environmental Education » K-12 Environmental Education

K-12 Environmental Education


Environmental Education Coordinator Charlie KahnCHARLIE KAHN

Environmental Education Coordinator

My name is Charlie Kahn and I feel so lucky to be the Environmental Education Coordinator here at Westgate! I get to work with all grade levels to help cultivate a love for the environment and community through lesson plans, field trips, and service-learning projects. I teach on topics that are related to our goats, chickens, gardens, recycling, food waste programs, and everything in the environmental realm. I love that EE can be incorporated with all subjects and grade levels.


I previously taught through nonprofits, after-school programs, and nature camps. I moved to Colorado in 2021 from California, where I spent my time exploring the redwoods. I have been exploring nature as long as I can remember, and I’ve seen the curiosity and wonder it can bring into student’s lives. I am also a huge fan of backpacking, hiking, climbing, aerial yoga/yoga, and camping.  

Six Acres of Outdoor Space

When Westgate moved to this site in 2012, we owned ten acres of undeveloped land along with two buildings.  Over the years, we pursued funding opportunities and persisted in realizing most of our vision for the outdoor space in 2020.  A majority of the funding came from grants, along with donations from our community and matching money from the school. 
We are still looking for a partner to help us complete our solar classroom!  Please contact communications if you can help.

Outdoor Classrooms  - click the link to the left to see the classrooms

  • Owl's Nest
  • Westgate Amphitheater
  • Pollinator Gardens
  • Pavilion
  • Solar Plaza
  • Gardens


  • Cats
  • Goats
  • Chickens
  • Bees


  • Eight planting beds
  • Student and volunteers were maintained with lots of help from Ms. Kahn.
  • Includes vegetables, herbs and flowers

Service Learning

  • Weekly in grades K–12 
  • An outlet for students with different skill sets to shine
  • Students become experts on a topic and present their project to the community
  • Past projects include:  recycling, wild animal habitats, wildfires, systemic racism, homeless populations, goats and gardening

Benefits of Environmental Education (Environmental Education) for K-12 Students


  • Academic Skills: critical thinking, decision-making, systems thinking
  • Academic Performance
  • Student Engagement

21st Century Skills

  • Lifelong learners
  • Lifelong skills
  • Problem solvers
  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Teamwork