Taos Reminders

Hello Junior Parents,


As we approach the departure day for Taos, here are a few reminders I wanted to let you know about:


We are excited because we found out today that our lodging accommodations have changed to an even better spot! Students will be staying in a Habitat House right next to the job site. It is still close to the rec center and all sleeping arrangements and cooking arrangements will stay the same. The address is 501 Sunset St. Taos NM 87571 and you can find it here



Pack for all types of weather for 8 days. It could be chilly on the Llama hike, and we saw snow one of the work days in the past.  It may also be super warm!


Pack one lunch for the sand dunes picnic day on our drive out there. Students will only need some cash (around $10) to pay for the fast food lunch on the return trip. All other meals are included: Restaurants, grocery shopping trips, etc.  Anything else, like personal spending money, is up to you.


Make sure that you have all the proper forms in to Mrs. Hopson if they will bring any medications including over-the-counter. Please turn these forms in immediately. See the nurse’s letter and med letter attached.


Remind your students of the three big no-nos: No drinking, no drugs, no hanky-panky! We want their input with a lot of choices, but to remember that the adults have the final say in decision making. If a student does engage in these behaviors, we will be calling you and we will expect you to pick them up from Taos.


My experience is that this trip does wonders for their group bonding, but that it is emotionally taxing. We will accomplish something meaningful and helpful, but it could send some on an emotional roller-coaster ride.


Please let me know if you have any additional questions. My wife and I have done this one before, so we know a lot more about what to expect than last time.


-Jason Brinkley