Weekly Update - Nov. 9-13


Remember: We are now back in our Distance Learning model.  There are NO in person classes.  Please join me for our Zoom classes.  Schedule and login information were sent in email, on paper with hybrid students, and are posted in Teams. 

Please refer to class pages and Teams for daily To-Do Lists.  Assignment instructions will be provided during Zoom classes and/or attached to the assignment in Teams. 

If students are unable to attend a Zoom class, they need to watch the video recording on their own time.  They will be posted each day to the Stream tab in each class Team. 

Office Hours: Monday 2:30-3:30, Wednesday 10-11

Zoom Class Schedule - see Teams

Late/Missing Work:   

-All assignments close after two weeks on Teams. If it is being turned in past that you will need to reach out to me so that we can discuss why it is so late and so that I can open the assignment back up for you.     

Important Dates:  

Nov. 9th- Virtual Adams 12 High School Info. Night 

Nov. 10th- Virtual Adams 12 High School Info. Night 

-Board of Directors Meeting 

Nov. 11th- No School Veteran’s Day 

Nov. 13thFriday Community Connect 

Nov. 19th- Spirit Night @ Panera  

-School Accountability Committee Meeting 

Nov. 23-27thNo School Thanksgiving Break 

Social Zooms!  

Now that we are back in distance learning the need for connection and community is of great importance. Katie Goforth and Julie Ruhl will be hosting grade level Social Zooms for all students throughout the day every Friday. Social Zooms are intended to be an unstructured space for kids to connect. Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl are hosting the Zoom, but the purpose of the Social Zoom is to allow students to connect organically. They will ensure the Zoom remains school appropriate, safe and comfortable for all students!  

  • Passwords for each meeting are posted in your student’s Teams.  
  • Social Zooms are completely optional! You can join none, one, or both!  
  • Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl will be monitoring the Zoom to maintain school expectations. If there are concerns during the Zoom, they will provide warnings and redirect behavior, but if the behavior continues, the student may be removed from the Zoom.  
  • If you have any questions, please email [email protected] - we hope to see your student Friday!  

Original Works:   

It is that time of year for our annual ‘Original Works’ fundraiser. For those who are new to the school or for those who have forgotten – because of all the things we have to remember these days – this is a fundraiser where kids create artwork in the “classroom”, and families have an opportunity to purchase products with their creative artwork on them. The school gets a percentage of all sales. This is typically our 3rd largest single fundraiser of the year, but with things being so different, it has the potential to be one of our largest fundraisers for the current school year.   

*Please see the Look What’s Coming and the Parent Ordering Form attachments for more details.   

Important Original Works Dates:   

Late November to Early December – Products will be delivered directly to families’ homes.