Weekly Update - Sept. 7-11


Zoom:  WednesdaySept. 9. 11:00-11:30   

Unit 1 – Operations with Fractions 

Topics – Dividing Fractions 

This week, we learn to divide whole numbers by fractions and divide fractions by fractions. 

I will be inviting some students to an additional small group to provide extra support with fraction operations.  If you think this would benefit your child, please send me an email for more details. 

Math Schedule & To Do List for Sept. 7-11 


-No school 

-Good opportunity for makeup work or starting to practice on Moby Max 


-Daily Practice Week 3: Monday & Tuesday 

-Practice 15 minutes or more on Moby Max 

-Choose a video from the watchlist 


-Meet me on Zoom for our LessonsDividing Whole Numbers by Fractions, Dividing Fractions (workbook pages 13-14, 16-17) **bring your workbook 

-Daily Practice Week 3: Wednesday 

-Begin workbook pages 15 and 18practice dividing fractions  


-Daily Practice Week 3: Thursday 

-Finish workbook pages 15 & 18, practice dividing fractions  

-Practice 15 minutes or more on Moby Max 

-Choose a video from the watchlist 


-Complete and turn in Dividing Fractions Quiz 

-Practice 15 minutes or more on Moby Max 

-Choose a video from the watchlist