Weekly Update - Sept. 7-11

Social Studies: 

Zoom: Tuesday, Sept. 8 & Thursday, Sept. 10.   9:30-10:00 

Unit: Geography 

Topic: 5 Themes of Geography 

This week we will learn more about the 5 Themes of Geography and apply it by planning an imaginary trip. 

Specific assignment details can be found in MS Teams and the Class OneNote. 

Social Studies Schedule & To Do List for Sept. 7-11 


-No school 

-Good opportunity to catch up on makeup work  


-Meet me on Zoom for lesson; Place 

-Start working on Place research for trip project 


-Finish and turn in Place research notes 

-Choose a video from the watch list 


-Meet me on Zoom for lesson; Region 

-Start working on Region notes for the city you’re planning a trip  


-Finish and turn in Region notes for trip project 

-Choose a video from the watch list