Week of Aug. 24


Zoom: Monday, Aug. 24 and Wednesday, Aug. 26. 11:00-11:30  

Unit 1 – Operations with Fractions

Topics 1 and 2 – Factors and Multiples, Adding and Subtracting Fractions

This week, we learn about factors and multiples, with specific emphasis on finding the Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple for sets of numbers.

Next, we will review 4th-5th grade standards for Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers.  Prerequisite skills: making equivalent fractions, converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, and simplifying fractions

Math Schedule & To Do List for Aug. 24-28


-Meet me on Zoom for our Lesson; Factors and Multiples, pages 1-2 **bring your workbook

-Daily Practice Week 1: Monday

-Workbook page 3, practicing factors and multiples


-Daily Practice Week 1: Tuesday

-Review assignment https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=g63kUOjsn0GLHt1cphgzjTZooahmzs1Nn7XXm7E0C2lUOUgyWkk4WTcxOThDSEsxMzRSSjE1M1A3VS4u - making equivalent fractions, converting between mixed numbers and improper fractions, and simplifying fractions.

Reference videos:






-Meet me on Zoom for our Lesson; Adding and Subtracting Fractions and Mixed Numbers, pages 4-5 **bring your workbook

-Daily Practice Week 1: Wednesday

-Begin workbook page 6, practice adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers


-Daily Practice Week 1: Thursday

-Finish workbook page 6, practice adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers


-Daily Practice Week 1: Friday

-Turn in Daily Practice Week 1

-Factors and Multiples Quiz https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=g63kUOjsn0GLHt1cphgzjTZooahmzs1Nn7XXm7E0C2lUQkxNSjVVQ0VKVDNTOTlLVEdPSkUxMjhVVi4u