Week of Oct. 21

Unit: Multi-Digit Multiplication
Objectives: Students will be able to multiply 2 digit numbers by 3 digit numbers.
Based on pretesting done last week, it has come to my attention that students in this class are not yet ready to begin work on this standard.  They are showing little to no grasp of the fourth grade standards of multiplying multi digit (up to four) numbers by single digit numbers and multiplying two 2 digit numbers.  As you know, we are also struggling with basic multiplication fact fluency.  I will be working diligently with students to fill in these gaps from fourth grade so that we can progress onto tackling the fifth grade standards.
As fifth graders, students will be assessed on progress and mastery of fifth grade standards.  As we back up to address the fourth grade content, the gradebook will reflect that students are not showing proficiency on the fifth grade standards.
In further efforts to support student growth in math, the 5/6 grade team is implementing a system of take home practice.  Because of the urgent need to fill gaps in student learning, I highly recommend taking advantage of this opportunity to support your child through the additional practice.  Homework packets will be coming home each Thursday and are due the following Wednesday.  Students who complete and return these practice pages will be earning punches on a punch card.  Each week, there will be a basic skill review packet including fact fluency work which can earn one punch on the card.  There will also be current, unit specific practice (or review from recent units where students are not demonstrating mastery) which can earn them a second punch on the card.  After 10 punches, students can trade the punch card in as a free pass on another assignments.  (Not valid for tests, quizzes, or large projects).