Dewar Language Arts- Week of April 5

What are we learning this week in Language Arts? 

Students will be able to define personification and locate examples. 

Students will be able to write a poem using personification as the figurative language within it. 

Students will be able to identify simple, compound, and complex sentences. 


What are we doing this week? 


-Personification Lesson & notes 

-Compound Sentences in ISNB 


-Personification Poem Group Read 

-Complex Sentences in ISNB 


-Personification Scavenger Hunt Partner Assignment 

-Simple, Compound, Complex? in ISNB 


-Write Personification Poem rough draft 

-Grammar catch up and grade day  

* hint Iā€™m looking for all 5 sentence notes/activities to be in your notebook.  


-Edit and Submit final draft of your Personification Poem 

-Sentences Color by Number Assignment