October is Bullying Prevention Month and we have the honor of doing a virtual screening of the documentary The Upstanders. Being an upstander is being someone who takes action when you see someone being bullied. You are bound to see some familiar faces as the documentary was filmed at Westgate.  

 On Wednesday, October 28th at 6pm there will be a virtual screening of the documentary as well as a panelists discussion of the film. These panelists include our very own Ms. Washington, Mrs. Novak, and Mrs. Collins as well as the director, Scilla Andreen. The link will be available through the newsletter in coming weeks. Email [email protected] with any questions. We hope to see you there! 

MAP Reports: 

Will be out by this Friday, October 23.  


-There will be office hours on Fridays 2-3 pm through Zoom and that information is posted in our Advocacy Team.  

-There will not be any birthday treats allowed this quarter.   

Late/Missing Work:  

-All assignments close after two weeks on Teams. If it is being turned in past that you will need to reach out to me so that we can discuss why it is so late and so that I can open the assignment back up for you.  

-If you are absent on an in-person day or are sick at home on an online day, and you cannot do your schoolwork, then you need to watch the instructional videos and makeup the work within two weeks.   

Important Dates: 

Oct. 21st- Spirit Night at Freddy’s 4 PM – 8 PM (14255 Lincoln Street, Thornton, CO 80023)  

Oct. 26th-30thSpirit Week 

Oct. 27th- Board of Directors Meeting  

Oct. 28th and 29th- Picture Retakes 

Original Works:  

It is that time of year for our annual ‘Original Works’ fundraiser. For those who are new to the school or for those who have forgotten – because of all the things we have to remember these days – this is a fundraiser where kids create artwork in the “classroom”, and families have an opportunity to purchase products with their creative artwork on them. The school gets a percentage of all sales. This is typically our 3rd largest single fundraiser of the year, but with things being so different, it has the potential to be one of our largest fundraisers for the current school year.  

*Please see the Look What’s Coming and the Parent Ordering Form attachments for more details.  

Important Original Works Dates:  

Now until October 16th – Kids will create their artwork.  

October 19th through November 2nd – Families will be able to order products on the Original Works website.  

November 2nd – Order deadline date to guarantee all orders are turned around quickly and in plenty of time for the holidays.  

Late November to Early December – Products will be delivered directly to families’ homes. 


As always please email me with any questions!

[email protected]