Dewar's Social Studies- Week of Aug. 24

Hey everyone! Here is a daily checklist to help keep focused, and on track!

Remember our Zoom meetings are Tuesday and Thursday at 9:30-10 am. You can find the password on our classs Team or in the schedule emailed out previously. The link is:

Meeting ID: 846 7928 1404


-In your notebook or Class OneNote, make a list of any questions you have about Quarter 1 Social Studies.

-If you haven't already, play the "What is Social Studies" sorting game through the Vortex link on last week's post, or found on our SS Team. Then go answer the question, "What is Social Studies?" on the Discussion Question channel in our SS Team.


-Meet me on Zoom for lesson; Maps and Globes Part 1.  Come prepared with your questions from yesterday, a notebook, and writing utensil.

-Start working on Assignment 1: Globes, found on OneNote and in the Assignments tab of our class team.


-Finish and turn in Assignment 1: Globes, found on OneNote and in the Assignments tab of our class team. Submit in the Assignments tab.

-Watch one of the videos from our watch list below or go to the video watch list channel in our class team and click on the links there.


-Meet me on Zoom for lesson; Maps and Globes Part 2

-Start working on Assignment 2: Map Practice, found on OneNote and in the Assignments tab of our class team.


-Finish and turn in Assignment 2: Map Practice, found on OneNote and in the Assignments tab of our class team. Submit in the Assignments tab. 

-Watch one of the videos from our watch list below or go to the video watch list channel in our class team and click on the links there. OR play the globes pizza delivery game for practice with latitude and longitude, found on your class OneNote.

Video Watch list:

The difference between maps and globes: 

Using maps together: 

How Globes are Made: 


As always please email me with any questions!

[email protected]