Hamilton/Foley-Diaz Advocacy Update 4-12-21

                     Updates for the Week of 4/12/2021  

April 11th- April 15th -Board of Directors Election 

April 13th -Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM 

April 14th -School Accountability Committee Meeting 5:30 PM – 7 PM (Virtual ) 

April 15th - School Accountability Committee Meeting 5:30 PM – 7 PM (Virtual) 

April 20th - Board of Directors Meeting 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM 

April 23rd No School- PD day for Teachers 

April 26th No School 

April 29th How Enviromental Education Makes Us Whole - Webinar  5 PM – 6 PM 


Schedule change this week: 

Our schedule will change this week due to CMAS in the upper grades. Please use the schedule below for the week of April 12th 

8:00-8:15 Studentsarrive 

8:15-9:15 specials  

9:15-10:00 science  

10:00-10:15 recess  

10:15-11:15 math  

11:15-11:45 lunch recess  

11:45-12:15 lunch  

12:15-12:40 quiet  

12:40-2:00 literacy  

2:00-2:20 advocacy/snack  

2:20-2:45 social studies  

2:45-3:25 small groups  

3:25 end of day  


Distant Learning Students: 

Just a reminder if your child is in distant learning for 4th quarter please make sure you pick up your supplies from the front desk.  

Semester 2 COVID Procedures and links   

We are looking forward to seeing our students face to face but please keep in mind that quarantines can happen at any time.  The new quarantine period is 10 days from exposure instead of 14. 

In order to limit the number and frequencies of quarantines, we are asking all families to:   

Conduct a Home Symptom Check Every Day   

Stay home if not feeling well; students may use synchronous learning option  

If your child is exposed, keep your child and their siblings home to monitor for symptoms and contact Mrs. Hopson (school nurse)   

If you have been exposed, please keep your student(s) home to monitor for your own symptoms. (10 days from exposure or negative test after 5 days from exposure)   

Use Attendance Notification Form to let us know of any change in way child is attending school 

Use COVID Symptomatic Report Form to let us know of COVID exposure or symptoms 


10 minute Math Practice Each Day  

1st and 2nd grade will be including 10 minutes of math practice each day as an assignment for every student beginning next week. We believe this daily practice is important for growth and retention of math concepts school-wide.  Just as we ask for students to read 10- 20 minutes each day, we are now adding daily math practice to our expectations. This assignment will not replace any standards-based instruction during math class but will be a supplement to support on-going growth.  

1st and 2nd grade will be doing this through MobyMax as it assesses the individual needs of each child. It allows students to close gaps or accelerate at their own pace. Click the underlined words to be linked to the flyer for more support  "Using MobyMax from Home"  or "Uso de Moby desde casa"   


Enrichment Opportunities!  

Ms. Ross is hosting an enrichment for 1st-3rd grade called Storybook Math. Each meeting they will read a storybook that sparks a math discussion and experiment that applies that math concept. The meetings are every Tuesday from 4-5pm. Please email [email protected] for the zoom information.  



Social Opportunities   

Katie Goforth and Julie Ruhl will be hosting grade level Social Zooms for all students throughout the day every Friday. Social Zooms are intended to be an unstructured space for kids to connect. Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl are hosting the Zoom, but the purpose of the Social Zoom is to allow students to connect organically. They will ensure the Zoom remains school appropriate, safe and comfortable for all students!  

There is a social zoom in the morning and one in the afternoon to accommodate different family needs.  


In Second Grade, the Social Zooms will be from: 

9:45-10:15am and 1:30-2:00pm Here is the AM [9:45 am] Link: https://zoom.us/j/98629368262?pwd=Ym5VNTh2bG5ZMXZuU2E3c2pORU10Zz09 

Here is the PM [1:30pm] Link: https://zoom.us/j/96680911182?pwd=dzFuSHJpUHg0WUJCYTRFOG96WVNHUT09 

Social Zooms are completely optional! You can join none, one, or both!  

Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl will be monitoring the Zoom to maintain school expectations. If there are concerns during the Zoom, they will provide warnings and redirect behavior, but if the behavior continues, the student may be removed from the Zoom.  

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] - we hope to see your student Friday!