Math Week of January 22nd
We will be finishing our work with Chapter 8 in our curriculum this week. This chapter is all about counting, representing, and writing the numbers 11-19!
Have fun with the activities below to help your student practice and
understand numbers to nineteen.
- Give your student up to 19 pennies or other small objects to count.
- Have your student write the number, for example, 12. Then ask your student to verify that 12 is correct by grouping ten pennies together to see if there are 2 extra pennies, making 12.
- Take turns. One player shows ten fingers and the other person shows up to nine fingers. The player holding up ten fingers names the total number of fingers showing.
- Make a number book using a notebook or by attaching ten sheets of paper with staples or a paper clip. Help your student number the pages 11 through 19. On each page, have your student draw as many objects (or dots) as that page's number.
- If you have access to magazines, invite your student to find pictures of objects that illustrate one or more of the numbers to 19.
Use these activities as often as you would like. You might start by focusing on
the numbers 11 and 12 and gradually work your way up to 19.