Advocacy 12/5-12/9

Greetings Advocacy Families!


For the time we have together in December, our Advocacy theme will be The Greater Good. Throughout the Fall 2022 semester, we have worked on Skills for Self, such as RISE and focusing on Strengths (I am Strong) and Skills for working with Others like Bullying Prevention and we Respect, Accept and Value differences. In December we will leverage our strengths and use the skills we’ve learned/practiced to leave a positive impact on our community. For each day we have created a calendar that provides us all with a daily idea of how we can have a positive impact on our community. Students can do this at school or at home.


December Greater Good Calendar Ideas

1st: Write a RISE slip for someone at school

2nd: Tell someone why you appreciate them

5th: Help clean up trash in your community.

6th: Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you.

7th: Write a list of things your are grateful for.

8th: Bring in a book to donate to our Little Free Library.

9th: Give someone a sincere compliment.

12th: Do a Random Act of Kindness

13th: Practice Self-Care by doing something nice for yourself.

14th: Have fun with your friends at our Winter Party.


Holiday Shop Logistics and Rules

The Holiday Shop will be open for shopping Tuesday-Friday during lunch and recess (11:15-1:00) and Tuesday-Thursday afterschool (3:30-4:30) . Students were given a flyer and an envelope on Friday.

  • Students must have money with them to go to the shop.
  • 1 student per class can come to the shop during lunch/quiet time/joy reading.
    • Once academic classes have begun, students may no longer be allowed to go to the shop
    • students must eat lunch prior to going to the shop
  • Students can shop after school with a parent. Please do not allow students to come to the shop while waiting to be picked up
  • Purchases will be bagged up in the shop and must go directly into backpacks. No purchases should be opened or played with during the school day 
  • No gifting between students should happen during the school day
  • Parents will be allowed to park and take their students to the holiday shop during afternoon carline

Q2 Conferences

We will be holding Quarter 2 Conferences on Thursday December 15th in person from 8am to 8pm and on Friday December 16th they will be virtual from 8am to 12pm. Look for an email for conference sign ups Monday afternoon around 4pm.



  • December 1st: Application for the Westgate High School opened
  • December 7th: All late and missing work is due
  • December 9th: Quarter 2 grades due
  • December 14th: 7/8 Music Concert
  • December 15th: In-person conferences from 8am – 8pm
  • December 16th: Virtual conferences from 8am – 12pm
  • December 15th – January 6th: Winter Break


Have a great week, and email me with any questions you may have.