Advocacy 10/31 - 11/4

Greetings Advocacy Families!

For the month of November, we will be using Advocacy to explore the words Accept, Respect, and Value to help us better understand and accept others’ differences. Lessons will focus acknowledging diversity, using compassion, valuing others’ opinions and experiences, and being able to see differences as strengths.

After Halloween, we ask that you monitor how much candy your student brings to school. Our policy is that all food and beverage except water can only be consumed during snack or lunch. This includes candy. We are asking for your help to make sure that there isn’t a lot candy being brought to school. Thanks for you  help with this!We appreciate all food and beverage donations!



Theme: Masquerade

When: Friday, November 4th

Where: Westgate Gym​

Time: 6:30-9:00​

Cost: $2.00​

Snacks and Drinks Provided​

Doors close at 7:00 (no one in or out after 7:00)​

For Westgate students only​

Wear a mask, wear your Halloween costume, dress up, dress's all good.


Students will be signed in by a teacher and money will be collected at the door. We will close and lock the doors at 7:00 pm and then enjoy each other’s company from 7-9 pm. At 9, students will help clean up and we will start checking students out making sure they are with the correct adult starting around 9:10-9:15 pm. The dance will be supervised by the 7/8 teachers and the 5-8 principal.



  • October 31st: 7/8 Halloween party
  • November 2nd: Spirit Night at Skate City
  • November 4th: 7/8 Masquerade dance
  • November 11th: No school for Veterans Day


Have a great week, and email me with any questions you may have.