Greetings Advocacy Families!

Spirit Week was a success last week and we would like to thank everyone who showed up or tuned in to our Curriculum Night presentations. If you didn’t have a chance to attend, here is a link where you can watch our recorded presentation on 7/8 Pod policies and procedures as well as the units we will be teaching this year.

Curriculum Night Link: 7/8 -

We will continue practicing logging into Infinite Campus, checking grades and communicating this home to parents.  Our next focus on RISE will be safety: making choices that keep ourselves and those around us mentally and physically safe.  



  • August 29-31: 7th grade Outdoor Ed
  • September 2: No school for Teacher Work Day
  • September 5: No school for Labor Day
  • September 9: Picture Day

Have a great week, and email me with any questions you may have.