High School Advocacy Activities from Mrs.Valenza


Monday - If you are doing one of the choices for the “Earth Day Assignment” please use this day to work on that and send it to me as you finish it.  

                  I will also be doing a live Zoom with the chickens and goats at 12:30pm this day! Tune in to see the ladies and ask questions.  

                   Time: Apr 20, 2020 12:30 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 

                  Meeting ID: 951 417 9342       

Password: **Mrs.Valenza emailed passwords 


TuesdayUse this day to finish up your “Earth Day Assignment” and send it to me. If you’re not doing the assignment enjoy your day off. 😊  


Wednesday You have 2 options today...Join the Lorax and Mr. Rowan for a live reading of The Lorax by Dr. Seuss. Or head to Mrs. Valenza’s staff profile page to hear a pre-recorded reading of the story.  

                   Topic: The Lorax Read Aloud with Question and Answer 
                   Time: Apr 22, 2020 01:15 AM Mountain Time (US and Canada) 
                   Meeting ID: 790 8304 9885 

Password: **Mrs.Valenza emailed passwords 


Thursday - Today I want you to make sure you get outside for a walk. With all the water we’ve been getting (in the form of snow) the plants should be popping! Take notice of this. What flowers can you find? What new buds are popping up on the trees? Is there sign of life? If you want to get really fancy you could download a plant identification app – Plantifier is a relatively good one that is also free!  


Friday – Agriculture is a very important part to the sustainability of Earth. Choosing certain ways of growing crops is vital in making sure the soil and the crops are good for years to come. I got myself quite engaged in this game from National GeographicNational Geographic. Try it out and see how sustainable you can make your crops.