World History – Week of 5/6 - 5/10

Hey Folks!

This week we will be continuing with Topic 11 Revolution, Enlightenment, and the American Colonies 1580-1800.

Essential Question:

How did slavery change from the 1600’s to the 1700’s? What were some examples of laws that were passed that enacted these changes and how it contributed to racism?

Learning Objectives

Topic 11.4 The Southern Colonies Take Root

Learning objectives: Explain why England wanted colonies and how they were planned. Describe how Jamestown was settled, why the colony struggled, and how it survived. Explain the relationship between American Indians and settlers in the Southern Colonies. Discuss how Maryland, the Carolinas, and Georgia were settled.

Topic 11.5 New Lives in New England

Objectives: Explain why Puritans left England. Describe the Puritan colony in Massachusetts and explain why Rhode Island, Connecticut, and New Hampshire were founded. Analyze the relationship between New Englanders and American Indians.

Topic 11.6 The Middle Colonies Thrive

Objectives: Explain how Dutch New Netherlands become English New York. Describe William Penn’s relationship with the American Indians in Pennsylvania. Compare and contrast Pennsylvania Colony with other colonies. Analyze the Importance or religious diversity in the Middle Colonies.

Topic 11.7 Immigration and Slavery in the Colonies

Objectives: Explain how immigration to the colonies changed between the late 1600’s and 1700’s. Analyze the development of slavery in the colonies. Describe the experience of enslaved Africans in the colonies.

Topic 11.8 Economic and Social Life in the Colonies

Objectives: Analyze the economic relationship between England and its colonies. Explain the impact of geography on the economies of the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies. Compare and contrast differences in the social structure of the three major colonial regions.

This Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 11.4 The Southern Colonies Take Root
  2. Topic 11.5 New Lives in New England
  3. Topic 11.6 The Middle Colonies Thrive
  4. Topic 11.7 Immigration and Slavery in the Colonies
  5. Topic 11.8 Economic and Social Life in the Colonies

Last Week’s Assignments

  1. Final Research Paper
  2. Topic 11.1 The Scientific Revolution
  3. Topic 11.2 The Enlightenment
  4. Topic 11.3 The Impact of the Enlightenment