US History – Week of 4/29 - 5/3

Hey Folks!

This week we will begin Topic 18 An Era of Change.

Have a great week!

Essential Question:

How did earlier political and social movements influence the counterculture movement of the 60’s?

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.1 The Counterculture

Objectives: Describe the rise of the counterculture. List the major characteristics of the counter- culture. Evaluate the impact of the counterculture on American values and society.

Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement

Objectives: Analyze how a movement for women’s rights arose in the 1960s. Explain the goals and tactics of the women’s movement. Assess the impact of the women’s movement on American society.

Topic 18.3 Origins of the LGBTQ Movement

Objectives:  Discuss the origins of the modern American LGBT movement. Develop an understanding of the different communities within the LGBT movement.

Topic 18.4 The Rights Revolution Expands

Objectives: Explain how the Latino population grew after World War I. Analyze the Latino and Native American rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s. Describe the expansion of rights for consumers and the disabled.

This Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 18.1 The Counterculture
  2. Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement
  3. Topic 18.3 Origins of the LGBTQ Movement
  4. Topic 18.4 The Rights Revolution Expands

Last Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 17.3 America’s Role Escalates
  2. Topic 17.4 The War Divides America
  3. Topic 17.5 The War’s End and Effects
  4. Topic 17 Quiz