US History – Week of 4/15 - 4/19

Hey Folks!

This week we will begin Topic 17 The Vietnam War Era.

Have a great week!

Essential Question:

We often discuss how the American ideals that we champion are sometimes forgotten or dismissed when it doesn’t suit the US interests. What specific incident from this topic highlights the United States’ refusal to support democracy and the right to self-determination in Vietnam?

Learning Objectives

Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam

Objectives: Explain the steps Kennedy took to change American foreign policy. Analyze the causes and effects of the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban Missile Crisis.  Assess the results of the Berlin Crisis and other foreign-policy events of the 1960s.

Topic 17.2 The Beginning of the War in Vietnam

Objectives: Describe the reasons that the United States helped the French fight the Vietnamese. Identify ways in which the United States opposed communism in Southeast Asia. Analyze how the United States increased its involvement in Vietnam.

This Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 17.1 The Cold War and Vietnam
  2. Topic 17.2 The Beginning of the War in Vietnam

Last Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 16.4 Kennedy’s Reforms
  2. Topic 16.5 Reform Under Johnson