US History - Week of 1/17-1/19

Hey Folks!

This week we continue with Topic 14 WWII and take a look at the war in the European Theater and at home.

Have a great week!

Essential Question:

Why did Roosevelt support a “Europe First” strategy even though it had been Japan that had attacked the US first in WWII?

Learning Objectives

Topic 14.4 A War on Two Fronts

Objectives: Analyze the reason for and impact of the Allies’ “Europe First” strategy. Explain why the battles of Stalingrad and Midway were major turning points in the war. Discuss how the Allies put increasing pressure on the Axis in North Africa and Europe.

Topic 14.5 The Home Front

Objectives: Examine how the need to support the war effort changed American lives. Analyze the effects of the war on civil liberties for Japanese Americans and others. Explain how WWII increased opportunities for women and minorities.

This Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 14.4 A War on Two Fronts
  2. Topic 14.5 The Home Front

Last Week’s Assignments

  1. Topic 14.1 Rise of Aggressive Dictators
  2. Topic 14.2 America Debates Involvement
  3. Topic 14.3 The United States Enters World War II