Financial Literacy - Week of 9/18-9/22

Hey Folks!

This week we will discuss Cars and Loans.

Have a great week!

Learning Objectives

List some of the costs of owning and operating a car. Given a budget, decide how much you can afford to pay for a car. List some of the things you should research and some decisions you should make before you begin to shop for a car. Understand the differences between various kinds of warranties and service contracts. List some steps you can take to resolve warranty and service contract disputes. List some of the factors to consider when shopping for a car loan. Calculate the total cost of various car loans. Understand what a co-signer is, and describe when one is necessary. List the responsibilities of a co-signer and of the person getting the loan. List some of the factors to consider when shopping for car insurance. List some of the factors used to set car insurance rates. Understand the circumstances under which a vehicle can be repossessed, and list the legal rights and responsibilities of the creditor and of the debtor. Given a budget, decide how much money can safely be spent each month to own, operate, and maintain a car. Know the advantages and disadvantages of leasing a motor vehicle.

This Week’s Assignments

  1. Lesson 9 Cars and Loans Assignment
  2. Lesson 9 Quiz

Last Week’s Assignments