US History - Week of 5/10 - 5/14

Hey Folks! This week we will begin our last topic, Topic 19 America in the 1980’s and 1990’s, by discussing the rise of the new conservative movement and the Reagan Revolution.

Learning Objectives

Topic 19.1 The Conservative Movement Surges


  • Describe the differences between liberal and conservative viewpoints.
  • Analyze the reasons behind the rise of conservatism in the early 1980s.
  • Explain why Ronald Reagan won the presidency in 1980.


Topic 19.2 The Reagan Revolution


  • Analyze Reagan’s economic policies as President.
  • Summarize how Reagan strengthened the conservative movement.
  • Evaluate the steps taken to address various problems in the 1980s and early 1990s.

New Assignments Due 5/17

  1. Topic 18 Quiz
  2. Topic 19.1 The Conservative Movement Surges
  3. Topic 19.2 The Reagan Revolution

Late Assignments that Close 5/17

  1. Topic 18.7 The Ford and Carter Years
  2. Topic 18.8 Foreign Policy Troubles in the Late 70’s
  3. Topic 19 Pre-Quiz