US History - Week of 4/19 - 4/23

Hey Folks! This week we will continue Topic 18 An Era of Change by discussing the Chicano Movement, Cesar Chavez, the American Indian Movement, and the Environmental Movement.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 18.3 The Rights Revolution Expands


  • Explain how the Latino population grew after World War I.
  • Analyze the Latino and Native American rights movements of the 1960s and 1970s.
  • Describe the expansion of rights for consumers and the disabled.

Topic 18.4 The Environmental Movement


  • Assess the causes and effects of the environmental movement.
  • Analyze why environmental protection became a controversial issue.

New Assignments Due 4/26

  1. Topic 18.3 The Rights Revolution Expands
  2. Topic 18.4 The Environmental Movement

Late Assignments that Close 4/26

  1. Topic 17 Quiz
  2. Topic 18.1 The Counterculture
  3. Topic 18.2 The Women’s Rights Movement