US History - Week of 3/1 - 3/5

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 16 and discuss the March on Selma, Freedom Summer, and militant groups of the Civil Rights Movement. We will also look at the reforms of the Kennedy Administration.

Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Learning Objectives

Topic 16.3 Successes and Setbacks

Objectives: Explain the significance of Freedom Summer, the march on Selma, and why violence erupted in some American cities in the 1960s. Compare the goals and methods of African American leaders. Describe the social and economic situation of African Americans by 1975.

Topic 16.4 Kennedy’s Reforms

Objectives: Discuss the election of 1960. Evaluate Kennedy’s domestic policies. Assess the impact of the Kennedy assassination.

New Assignments Due 3/8

  1. Topic 16.3 Successes and Setbacks
  2. Topic 16.4 Kennedy’s Reforms

Late Assignments that Close 3/8

  1. Topic 15 Quiz
  2. Topic 16 Pre Quiz
  3. Topic 16.1 The Civil Rights Movement Strengthens
  4. Topic 16.2 The Movement Surges Forward