US History - Week of 11/30 - 12/4

Hey Folks! This week we will be wrapping up Topic 13 while we discuss the effects of the New Deal on American society and culture during the depression. We will analyze how New Deal policies affected race relations, the leadership of women, and the role culture played in the 1930’s.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548


Weekly Objectives

13.5 Effects of the New Deal

Objectives: Identify the social and political contributions of Eleanor Roosevelt, Frances Perkins, and other women involved in New Deal programs. Explain how the New Deal expanded economic opportunities for racial and ethnic minorities. Analyze how the New Deal changed the shape of American party politics and lessened ethnic and social divisions with American society. Evaluate the effect of the New Deal on the historical role of the federal government and FDR on the presidency.

13.6 Culture During the Depression

Objectives: Trace the growth of radio and the movies in the 1930’s and how both mediums reflected the characteristics and issues of their time. Explain the relationship between the New Deal and the arts. Describe the major themes of literature of the Depression era.

New Assignments Due 12/7

  1. 13.5 Effects of the New Deal
  2. 13.6 Culture During the Depression