US History - Week of 10/26 - 10/30

Hey Folks! This week we continue Topic 12 – World War I and the Roaring 20’s. We will be discussing the end of WWI, Wilson’s 14 Points, and begin the 1920’s.

Classes: Monday/Wednesday, 8:45 – 9:30 AM

 Zoom Meeting ID: 727 1779 5548

Weekly Objectives

12.2 The Home Front During World War I

Objectives: Analyze how the US government mobilized the public to support the war effort. Describe opposition to WWI and how the federal government responded to it. Analyze the causes and effects of migration and social changes that occurred during WWI.

12.3 The End of World War I

Objectives: Understand the contributions of the American Expeditionary Force to the Allied victory in WWI. Describe the issues raised by President Wilson’s Fourteen Points. Analyze the decisions made at the Paris Peace Conference and included in the Treaty of Versailles. Evaluate the pros and cons of US participation in the League of Nations. Explain why the US Senate did not ratify the Treaty of Versailles.

12.4 The Post War Economy Boom

Objectives: Describe the economic problems the US faced after WWI. Explain the economic growth and prosperity of the 1920’s, including how Henry Ford and the automobile industry helped spark the boom. Analyze the consumer revolution and the bull market of the 1920’s. Compare the different effects of the economic boom on urban, suburban, and rural America.

New Assignments Due 11/2

  1. 12.2 The Home Front During World War I
  2. 12.3 The End of World War I
  3. 12.4 The Post War Economy Boom

Late Assignments Due 11/2

  1. Topic 11 Quiz
  2. Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part I
  3. Topic 12.1 America Enters World War Part II
  4. They Shall Not Grow Old Questions