After a crazy year, I can’t describe how excited I am to have students back in the classroom. Although open for things to change, I am hopeful that this year will run as normally as possible.
Here are a few updates/reminders for the beginning of the year. Please read each as a couple of things have changed from previous years:
School start date: 9th – 11th grades begin on August 2nd (Monday). Non-FRCC seniors also begin on August 2nd. Seniors enrolled at FRCC will begin attending Westgate on August 16th and will be here for the week’s duration.
Safety: We will continue to follow all guidelines from Tri-County health and all district policies. Currently, masks are not required, though non-vaccinated individuals are encouraged to wear them. We will continue washing our hands before and after lunch. Hand sanitizer is in every room, and students may use it whenever they like. Students will once again have the opportunity to work in groups.
Tech: This year, students will be allowed to bring their own laptops to school. The school is not responsible for the safety of those laptops, though, so students should be extra careful. Laptops and cellphones should only be in use when the teacher allows it. Please be sure to charge your computer overnight! If a student doesn’t bring their own device, they must check one out. They can keep it in their locker if they do not want to take it home.
Lunch: Adams12 is not charging for school lunches this year! If you would like school lunches for your student, please sign up on Westgate’s website. Students who attend FRCC will need to provide their own lunch on college days as the bus leaves promptly at 11:30. Online, you should still sign up for the full week – we take FRCC into account and will only deliver lunches on the day your students is here.
Similar to last year, students will not have access to a microwave at lunch.
Off-Campus Privileges: Sophomores, Juniors, and non-FRCC seniors may leave campus at lunch with parent/guardian permission. They must be back in class by the end of lunch (12:22). Students may NOT bring their food into class, so they should plan on eating while they are out.
Freshmen must remain on campus for lunch first semester. They may have off-campus privileges second semester with parent permission.
Please use this link to access the off-campus lunch opt-in form.
Lockers: Students will have the opportunity to claim a locker during the first week of school. Each locker has a built-in lock, so students do not need to provide them. Students will receive the code for their locker by the end of the first week.
I believe that about covers it. As always, please reach out if you have a question. I look forward to seeing everyone on Monday