Week of April 5th

Welcome back for our first full week of study after spring break; and the first full week of Quarter 4. This week we continue our study of heredity and genetic traits.  We will be focusing on Meiosis this week.



Juniors: Monday/Wednesday, 9:45 – 10:30 AM

Sophomores: Monday/Wednesday, 10:45 – 11:30 AM


Zoom ID Juniors: 711 9092 7525

Zoom ID Sophomores: 721 3527 3153

*as always, please see Teams or Outlook for the password.


Weekly Objectives

  1. How are genetics spread during sexual reproduction vs asexual reproduction?


New Assignments

  1. Unit 7 Lesson 1 Checkpoint Assignment
  2. Evidence Notebook for Week of April 5th
  3. Exit Ticket for Week of April 5th


Late Assignments

I will be granting grace and consideration on late assignments. If you have something from this semester that is late; please turn it in and I will accept it.