Week of September 21st

It really was great to see everyone again this week, I hope it recharged you as much as it recharged all of us teachers!
This week we have a lot going on:
Monday -- regular advocacy
Tuesday -- we will start diving into some organizational skills that will be a great item for our toolbox as we continue distance learning.
Wednesday -- NO ADVOCACY OR CLASSES; Seniors are taking the ACT
Thursday --  Service learning (If you have not completed your impact assessment we will complete it as a group during this time). 
Friday -- Teams check in question. 
As a high school team we made some decisions this week regarding second quarter; we will be sending out a lot of information as we get the details finalized.  Friendly reminder, due to students also attending FRCC, the high school will remain in distance learning.  We are finalizing a new schedule that will give us more face time with the students; so that 
Additionally, be on the look out for a sign up genius for Parent Teacher Conferences which will held October 1st and 2nd. 
As we move through this season of change continuously, please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions or concerns.