Week of September 7th

I hope you had a relaxing 4-day weekend and are ready to jump into some of my favorite science topics. This week, we will be beginning our study of the body orientation terms and the Nervous system Here’s what you need to know:

Classes: Tuesday and Thursday, 11:15 – 11:45 AM

Zoom ID: 738 7913 9029

*as always, please see Outlook or Teams for the password.


Weekly Objectives

  1. How do different people see the human body?
  2. What patterns do we see related to the Nervous System in math, science, social studies, and language arts?



New Assignments

  1. Body Plane Diagram
  2. Health Journal Week of September 7th
  3. Exit Ticket week of September 7th


Late Assignments (not acceptable after 09/14/2020)

  1. Health Journal Week of August 31st
  2. Exit Ticket week of August 31st