Week of August 24th

Welcome to the first week of Biology! I hope you had a relaxing weekend and are ready to jump into some science. This week, we will be taking pre-assessments that will allow me to understand where you are at with your understanding level of Biology.  This will also enable me to cater the class material to better suit the needs of the group.


Juniors: Monday/Wednesday, 10:15 – 10:45 AM

Sophomores: Monday/Wednesday, 11:15 – 11:45 AM


Zoom ID Juniors: 715 7502 7423

Zoom ID Sophomores: 770 0664 4960

*as always, please see Teams or Outlook for the password.


Weekly Objectives

  1. We can apply our previous knowledge to demonstrate our knowledge of Biology.
  2. We can use our knowledge of living systems problems to gain a greater understanding of how patterns are created within living systems.


New Assignments

  1. Biology Pre-Assessment Test
  2. Biology Unit 1 Pre-Assessment
  3. Evidence Notebook Prompt for week of August 24th


Late Assignments (not acceptable after 08/24/2020 at 8:00 AM)

1.Not Applicable