Zoom Norm and Expectations

Zoom Norms and Expectations 

Though the first quarter of the 2020-2021 school year will be virtual, students should still meet a certain level of professionalism. When taking part in a Zoom class or meeting, please do the following: 

  • Log in with your first name and last initial. If we don’t recognize a name, we will not let that person in. 
  • Do not share the password for your classes with anyone.  If another student needs the password refer them to their Outlook Calendar or the teacher for that class.  
  • When possible, please keep your camera on. We are running our virtual classrooms as similarly as we can to our school classrooms. If you are comfortable doing so, please be an active participant and visual member of the community. If you are uncomfortable having your living space shown, you can always use a virtual background (class appropriate, of course) 
  • Should you need to turn your camera off due to internet lag or an active background, that is fine. Please send a notification through chat to your teacher. 
  • Keep your backgrounds appropriate. Be aware of what is hanging on the wall behind you. If you use a virtual background, please keep it appropriate and choose something that isn’t distracting for other students. 
  • Dress appropriately. Wear what you normally would for attending class. This will also help you to stay in the “school mentality” during the day, which can assist with your focus and work ethic.  When your classes are done, feel free to switch back to “comfort mode.” 
  • Keep language appropriate. Just like being in school, please watch your language. 
  • Take turns. If you have question for the teacher, please raise your hand or put a message in the chat. This will help keep a level of respect and order during virtual classes. 
  • Be respectful. Whether talking to a teacher or peer, be respectful. No form of bullying or harassment will be tolerated (see course syllabi for more details)