Mr. Gale's Advocacy Newsletter August 2018

Advocacy Update


Snacks: We are going to add a second snack in the afternoon.  You aren’t required to send two snacks, but if your child would like to have a snack in the afternoon, we will have it at 2:00.  Please make sure you are providing a healthy snack for your child.   

Picture Day is NEXT FRIDAY!  Picture forms went home in Friday folders.  If you wish to order photos on Friday, please send money in the envelope provided or you can place your order online.  

MAPS and PALS Testing:  Next week, we will be starting our MAPS and PALS assessments.  Please make sure your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a good breakfast. 

Curriculum Night:  Curriculum Night is Thursday, August 30th from 7:00-8:00 PM in the 1-2 Pod.  This is a great night to learn more information about the literacy and math classes that your child is placed in.  Teachers will go over the curriculum and standards they will be covering this year.  Students will be placed in their math and literacy classes before Curriculum Night.  This is an adult only event, children should not be in attendance so you are able to give your full attention. 

No School:  August 31st and September 3rd there will be no school!  Enjoy your break! 

Fun Run will be held on Saturday, September 8th.    There will also be an obstacle course for the younger children. 

Car Line:  Thank you for your patience during car line.  Please, please remember to stay in your car so that traffic continues to flow.  We will help your child get into the car.  Parents, please do not pull your child out of the line when they are walking to their pick up spot.  Students will only be released by their teacher by the fence.   

Labeling/Lost and Found:  Please LABEL everything that your child brings with them to school so if they misplace it, it can easily be returned to them or found in lost and found.   

Chick Fil A Night:  Chick Fil A spirit night will be Thursday, August 16th. 

Speaker Linda Silverman:  Monday, August 20th from 6:00- 8:00 PM.  Please come to hear a fabulous speaker talk about Gifted Development.  The event is free and childcare will be provided at no cost.