Academic Programming » Concurrent Enrollment | FRCC

Concurrent Enrollment | FRCC

Front Range Community College - Coaching Services

Concurrent Enrollment 

This is a resource page for current Westgate High School students enrolled in concurrent enrollment classes. Students and guardians may find helpful information here to answer questions or to find specific links. 

Concurrent Enrollment Information Session Video

How to Search and Register for Classes Using Self-Service


How To Register Using Navigate


How to Drop/Withdraw from a Class

*Approval must be obtained from School Counselor before dropping a class. 

How to Reset Your eWolf Password

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Freshmen take 1 course per semester on Monday/Weds starting at 12:30 pm/thereafter
  • Sophomores take 2 courses per semester on Tues/Thurs starting at 12:30 pm/thereafter
  • Juniors take 3 courses per semester - Monday through Thurs starting at 12:30 pm/thereafter
  • Seniors take 4 courses per semester - Monday through Thurs (any time during the days)
You can take the Accuplacer test up to 4 times within a 5-year period. 

Sign in to your eWOLF account.

  1. Your username is your S number, for example S01234567.
  2. Your initial password is your 6-digit birthdate (MMDDYY).
  3. You will be prompted to create a new password and set up a security question the first time you log in.

 eWOLF is FRCC's online student portal. This secure site allows you to:

  • Check your FRCC email
  • Register for courses
  • Access Financial Aid information and forms
  • Access and print transcripts
  • View and pay your tuition bill
  • Access Desire2Learn
  • Communicate with faculty
  • Each new student will automatically receive an eWOLF account after your application has been processed.
The college attendance policy states, “All students enrolled at Front Range Community College are expected to be punctual and to attend class regularly.
Students who are not in attendance during the first two scheduled class sessions* may be dropped from the course due to non-attendance. Students who are dropped for non-attendance will not be permitted to re-enroll.” Students need to be attending their live lectures. 

Furthermore, each professor has the discretion to allow or not allow a certain number of missed classes. Missed classes can impact a student's grade. 
No. Westgate only pays for class tuition. Books and fees are paid out of pocket by the student or the student's family.
No. Dropping a class has to be approved by the School Counselor. Following FRCC's drop & withdraw deadlines is critical. If a class is dropped after the drop date, then the cost of the course must be paid back to Westgate. Withdrawal class tuition must also be paid back to Westgate. 
You can always check out the bookstore at FRCC.
However- if you want to possibly rent or buy from elsewhere, Amazon, Chegg,, and Barnes & Noble are great places to explore.
Furthermore, the School Counselor has a free textbook library at the school. The textbook library is very limited, so a book needed for class may not be available. If a book is available, a student can check out the textbook for the semester through the School Counselor. The textbook must be returned at the end of the semester. 
If you receive a D or F, you will meet with Ms. Washington and possibly a parent/guardian to plan the next steps for success in the future. Please refer to page 7 of the High School Handbook for more information. 
If you withdraw from a class, you will receive a W on your college transcript, BUT the W does not impact your GPA. A student has the ability to retake the same course in the future to replace the W standing on their transcript.
Please keep in mind that a W is a last resort option if a student is unable to improve their grade to a passing standing (which is a C or above in college). Furthermore, most universities and colleges are understanding of 1 and maybe 2 Ws on a transcript, but more than that can elicit concern and have serious consequences when it comes to admission. 
No. Communicating with a professor is the responsibility and right of the student.
Due to FERPA, parents/guardians, nor the School Counselor, can speak directly to a professor. Professors also do not reach out to parents/guardians or the Counselor. A professor may reach out to CollegeNow regarding a student IF they are aware that the student is in concurrent enrollment.
Disclosure of a student being in concurrent enrollment is at the discretion of the student. As mentioned in the Underage Meeting, students are expected to communicate directly with their professor if there are any questions or concerns.
Fees are typically due by the end of October or the end of March. Fees need to be paid before a student can register for next semester courses. This ensures that no holds will be attached to a student's account. 

To Pay for Fees:

Have your student log into their eWolf account and then click the "Pay My Bill" tab on the dashboard. Once you click on that tab, you will notice that there is a total balance on the bottom. You will take the total balance number and subtract it from the ConEnr tuition number. The product of that subtraction will be the amount of fees you will owe this semester.

You can also call FRCC Westminster's cashier's office at (303) 404-5487, and they will be more than happy to separate the bill for you and tell you what fees you will owe. As the semester moves forward and Westgate pays for courses, the account balance will change, and it will be easier for you to see what fees you owe. 

You will directly pay FRCC, NOT Westgate. You can call the cashier's office at (303) 404-5487 or you can go to the campus and pay directly to the cashier's office. I do not recommend paying online if their system has not been updated to show that only fees are the remaining balance, as the semester tuition may still be attached to the balance. 

****The student/family is responsible for paying all associated fees directly to FRCC by the payment deadline provided by FRCC. Any lapse in payment of fees may result in unpaid balances being sent to a collections agency through the discretion of FRCC, as well as a registration hold placed on the student's account.***

Yes! In fact, students are encouraged to reach out to FRCC Advisors as this promotes accountability and the practice of speaking with professionals who can help guide aside from the School Counselor. Plus, FRCC Advisors are more advanced in FRCC course offerings, pathways, and information as that is their sole job. Check out the Advisors page on FRCC's site: FRCC Advising.
Please click this link for further information: Academic Standing Procedures

Depending on how many classes a student fails, they may be placed on Academic Probation or Academic Suspension. Furthermore, WG has the right to deny further registration into college classes until the student is able to perform at a passing rate. This is to help protect students' future access to financial aid and to promote better admission rates into colleges they may want to attend after HS. 

Academic Probation is assigned to students who have attempted at least 9 cumulative credit hours and have a cumulative GPA of less than 2.00 for all classes attempted.

Students who earn a Term GPA of less than 2.00 for all classes attempted during the Academic Probation term will be suspended and will not be allowed to enroll at any CCCS college for the next term, excluding summer term (as summer term may not be used as a "suspension term")

Academic Suspension Rules

  • Initial suspension is for one term, excluding summer term.
  • A second suspension is for two terms, excluding summer term.
    • If a student who has served the suspension time for initial suspension or second suspension wishes to return, the student will be allowed to re-enroll only after meeting with an academic advisor at the CCCS College that the student wishes to attend. The student will be placed on Academic Probation. (See FRCC Academic Suspension Procedures).
  • A third suspension is for two full years, or 4 academic terms excluding summers.
    • If a student who has served the third suspension time of two years wishes to return, the student must meet with an academic advisor at the CCCS College that the student wishes to attend in order to get the suspension lifted.
You can make an appointment with the Office of Disability Services to schedule an intake appointment to discuss possible accommodations. Students are encouraged to take their documentation of disability and 504/IEP.
The college then gets to decide what accommodations can be approved or modified for their setting. Not all accommodations are subject to approval. Furthermore, if accommodations are approved it is the student's responsibility to communicate with a professor about them. Please click this link for FRCC's Office of Disability Services.
Being behind a class or more does mean that you may not graduate with an associate's degree; however, many students have found creative ways to catch up on credits. Some students have taken a summer class or an extra class during a regular semester. Please note that Westgate does not pay for summer classes or an extra class outside of the allotted credit hours or number of classes that can be taken per semester, depending on grade level.

How do I declare or change my major? 

Complete the Degree/Certificate Change Request online form.
To access this form, log in to your eWOLF account. On the top menu, go to the Student Resources drop-down menu, and select Student Forms.
This request will be routed to the Office of the Registrar and be reviewed and processed typically within 3-5 business days. You will need to submit your Degree/Certificate Change Request by the main drop date of the semester.
You may wish to speak with your Pathways Advisor before changing your degree.