Advocacy - Mrs. Matthews


January Advocacy: Self Compassion and Regulation 1/18/21

Hello All, 

This month our advocacy theme is self-compassion and self-regulation. Students will learn why they or others may become dysregulated, what dysregulation may look or feel like, and how to respond and re-regulate. We will learn the basic tenets of self-compassion (self-kindness vs. self-judgment, common humanity vs. isolation, mindfulness vs. overidentification). Students will examine their own areas for growth and they will change their negative self-talk into positive mantras.

In-Person PALS Assessment Week

We are preparing for our week of PALS assessment coming up January 25th - 28th. During this week, your student will attend ONE DAY of in person instruction. There will only be 4 students in person each day. On days where your student is not in the building there will be asynchronous learning available using recorded lessons and Seesaw activities. Click here to access the sign-up genius and select which day you would like your student to attend. 
Please be sure that your student arrives to school on their specific day with all their learning materials from home as well as a sack lunch, water bottle, two snacks, and a mask or two. There will not be access to drinking fountains, hot lunches will not be available this week, and there will not be any before and after school care provided. 
ONLINE ONLY FAMILIES: please be on the lookout for an additional email from me so we can make alternative arrangements for your student to complete the assessments on January 22nd. 


Social Hours & Enrichment: 

With the continuation of distance learning the need for connection and community is of great importance. Katie Goforth and Julie Ruhl continue hosting grade level Social Zooms for all students throughout the day every Friday. Social Zooms are intended to be an unstructured space for kids to connect. Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl are hosting the Zoom, but the purpose of the Social Zoom is to allow students to connect organically. They will ensure the Zoom remains school appropriate, safe and comfortable for all students! 

  • There is a social zoom in the morning and one in the afternoon to accommodate different family needs. 
  • In Kindergarten, the Social Zooms will be from 9-930am and 12:45-1:15pm
  • Zoom Links will be posted in Seesaw each Friday
  • If you have any questions, please email [email protected] 
We will also continue to offer student enrichment for all students. For more information and to view enrichment options click here


On the Horizon: 

January 15th - Sign-Up Genius for PALS Testing Emailed to Advocacy

January 18th - No School Martin Luther King Holiday

January 18th - 22nd - Begin Learning Lab for Special Populations canceled

January 25th - 28th PALS Assessment in person for select students

February 1st - In Person and Synchronous Learning Begins

February 15th - No School Presidents Day

February 16th - No School Teacher Work Day

You can access our weekly learning calendar here

January Advocacy: Self Compassion and Regulation 1/11/21

Hello All, 

I am so excited for the new year and the possibilities and hope 2021 brings with it. I hope you all had a restful break and are ready to get back into the swing of things refreshed and renewed!

This month our advocacy theme is self-compassion and self-regulation. Students will learn why they or others may become dysregulated, what dysregulation may look or feel like, and how to respond and re-regulate. We will learn the basic tenets of self-compassion (self-kindness vs. self-judgment, common humanity vs. isolation, mindfulness vs. overidentification). Students will examine their own areas for growth and they will change their negative self-talk into positive mantras.

We will also lean into advocacy and dig a bit deeper into these themes through service learning. You'll remember that last quarter our service learning theme was gratitude and we made a video teaching others what gratitude means to us and named the things we are grateful for. This semester we will focus our service learning on mindfulness and perseverance.

Distance Learning Schedule 

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
8:30  Zoom Advocacy 8:30 Zoom Advocacy 8:30 Zoom Advocacy 8:30 Zoom  Advocacy  Asynchronous Learning
9:30 Zoom Literacy 9:30 Zoom S.S/Science 9:30 Zoom Literacy 9:30 Zoom S.S/Science  
11:00 Zoom Math 11:00 Show & Share 11:00 Zoom Math 11:00 Show & Share  
12:15 Zoom Specials: Art   12:15 Zoom Specials: Art 1:00 - 1:30 Office Hours  
Small Groups TBD Small Groups TBD Small Groups TBD Small Groups TBD  
    3:00 - 3:30 Office Hours    


Social Hours & Enrichment: 

With the continuation of distance learning the need for connection and community is of great importance. Katie Goforth and Julie Ruhl continue hosting grade level Social Zooms for all students throughout the day every Friday. Social Zooms are intended to be an unstructured space for kids to connect. Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl are hosting the Zoom, but the purpose of the Social Zoom is to allow students to connect organically. They will ensure the Zoom remains school appropriate, safe and comfortable for all students! 

  • There is a social zoom in the morning and one in the afternoon to accommodate different family needs. 
  • In Kindergarten, the Social Zooms will be from 9-930am and 12:45-1:15pm
  • Zoom Links will be posted in Seesaw each Friday
  • If you have any questions, please email [email protected] 
We will also continue to offer student enrichment for all students. For more information and to view enrichment options click here


On the Horizon: 

January 11 - Distance Learning Begins

January 15th - Sign-Up Genius for PALS Testing Emailed to Advocacy

January 18th - No School Martin Luther King Holiday

January 18th - 22nd - Begin Learning Lab for Special Populations

January 25th - 28th PALS Assessment in person for selected students

February 1st - In Person Learning Begins

February 15th - No School Presidents Day

February 16th - No School Teacher Work Day

You can access our weekly learning calendar here

Welcome Back! 1/6/21

Hello All, 

Welcome back to school!  I hope that you had a wonderful holiday with your family. I am looking forward to seeing all students on January 6th. We are starting off the quarter with three days for assessment.  

  Important Dates:  

  • January 5 – If you have not reserved your student's assessment time using the sign-up genius links below, please do so now
  • January 6, 7, 8 – Assessment days. Wednesday and Thursday students will attend their individual time slots for benchmark assessments. Note: January 8th is a Friday and requires asynchronous attendance via Seesaw. See the assessment schedule and Zoom links below.  This assessment is crucial to planning for your student’s academic needs.    
  • January 8 – Supply pick-up 1-4 PM (South side of the school – near Lobby) ALL of Mrs. Matthew' Kinder Students will have supplies to pick up. 
  • January 11 – Regular Distance Learning classes begin on Zoom.  See the distance learning schedule below.    
  • Our class will have Art for specials class.  Please take note that the schedule for Kindergarten has changed to allow for our students to have a smaller class size and more developmentally appropriate instruction. See the link in the distance learning schedule below. 
The schedule for January 6, 7, and 8 are as follows:   

Wednesday, January 6

Thursday, January 7

Friday, January 8


8:30-12:00 - Zoom Math Benchmark Assessment


8:30-12:00 - Literacy Benchmark Assessment

 Social Studies Preassessment on Seesaw (No Zoom)

Lunch Break

Lunch Break





12:15 – 12:45 Kinder Specials


1:00-1:30 – Literacy Benchmark Assessment


 Field Trip Friday on Seesaw (No Zoom)


1:00-4:00 –Zoom Math Benchmark Assessment


1:45-4:00 – Literacy Benchmark Assessment

 Make Up Assessments will be scheduled as needed. 



Our Distance Learning Schedule beginning 1/11/21 







8:30 Advocacy 

8:30 Advocacy 

8:30 Advocacy 

8:30 Advocacy 

Field Trip Friday & 

9:30 Literacy 

9:30 Science/S.S. 

9:30 Literacy 

9:30 Science/S.S. 

Assessments - 

11:00 Math 

11:00 Show & Share 

11:00 Math 

11:00 Show & Share 

Asynchronous Learning via 

12:15 – 12:45 Specials 


12:15 – 12:45 Specials 



Small Groups TBD 

Small Groups TBD 

Small Groups TBD 

Small Groups TBD 


Please check your email for specific Zoom links for assessment days and specials.

Thank you for your partnership in ensuring your child completes the Benchmark Assessments and classroom preassessments.  Please let me know if you have any questions or need clarification.  

I look forward to seeing students soon! 

Mrs. Matthews 

December Advocacy: Optimism and Gratitude 12/7/20


Hello All,

This month in advocacy we have a chance to slow down and instill the habits of gratitude and optimism in our community! Students will understand optimism – what is it and why it is important. Students will also examine their own mindsets and actively practice optimism. Students will learn about the importance of gratitude, they will practice gratitude every day throughout the month with the goal of creating habits for daily gratitude.   


Gratitude- the quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. 

Optimism - hopefulness and confidence about the future or the successful outcome of something 

Appreciation – recognition and enjoyment of someone or something 

Positivity -  the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude 

 Questions you may ask your student at home  

What makes you happy? 

Who are some of your favorite people? 

What are you grateful for? 

Does gratitude feel different this year? 

Has it been hard for you to be optimistic this year? 

How do you like to be cheered up by others?  

What are some things that you just can’t be optimistic about? 

Do you tend to see the glass half full or half empty? 

What foods are you grateful for? 

What does positivity look like to you? 

How will you show gratitude during the holidays? 

How will you show optimism during the holidays? 

On the Horizon: 

12/4 - 12/11 Fun Services Holiday Shop (virtual)

school code: WSTG

12/7 - Sign-Up for Conferences goes live at 8:00am

12/17 - Winter Break Begins!

12/17 - 12/18 Parent Teacher Conferences

Access our weekly learning calendar here

Advocacy Update: Community 11/30/20

Hello All,  

This week we will wrap up what we have learned about communities by making connections between our classroom and school community. We will identify what makes our classroom and school community similar and unique and brainstorm ways we can support our classroom and school community each day. 


Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. A social unit that has commonalities such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identities. Examples – could be your specific neighborhood community, our Westgate community, scientists, teachers, LGBTQ+, specific sports teams  

Collaborate  to work together for a certain goal  

Connection - a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else   

You can access our weekly learning calendar here

Around the Corner

11/30 Last Chance Supply Pick Up 4 - 6pm

11/30 Original Works fundraiser EXTENDED Deadline

12/1 Giving Tuesday. Click here for more details!

12/1 Westgate K-12 Online Applications Open

12/2 Spirit night at Your Pie 5 PM – 9 PM 14342 Lincoln St, Thornton, CO 

12/4 - 12/11 Fun Services Holiday Shop (virtual)

school code: WSTG

12/17 - 12/18 Parent Teacher Conferences

You can access our weekly learning calendar here

November Advocacy - Community 11/16/20

Hello All,  

This week we will expand what we have learned about communities by exploring our family community. We will identify what makes families similar and unique and brainstorm ways we can support our family each day. 


Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. A social unit that has commonalities such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identities. Examples – could be your specific neighborhood community, our Westgate community, scientists, teachers, LGBTQ+, specific sports teams  

Collaborate  to work together for a certain goal  

Connection - a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else   

You can access our weekly learning calendar here

Around the Corner

11/16 - Begin Daily 10 min Math on Moby Max requirement

11/16 - 11/29 Scholastic Book Fair

11/19 - Panera Spirit Night Fundraiser 4pm - 8pm

11/20 - Supply pick up at Westgate 9am - noon

11/23 - 11/27 Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL!

11/30 - Original Works fundraiser EXTENDED Deadline

12/4 - 12/11 Fun Services Holiday Shop (virtual)

school code: WSTG

12/17 - 12/18 Parent Teacher Conferences

November Advocacy - Community 11/9/20

Hello All,  

This week we will continue learning about communities in the literal sense by investigating the similarities and differences of where people live. We will also learn about the people who work to keep our community safe and enjoyable for all. Later in the month we will dig deeper into the idea of community by taking a closer look at our community here at Westgate and the role we play in making Westgate great! 


Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. A social unit that has commonalities such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identities. Examples – could be your specific neighborhood community, our Westgate community, scientists, teachers, LGBTQ+, specific sports teams  

Urban- a town or city

Suburban- outside of the city, residential

Rural- countryside

Community Helper- the people who live an work in a community to help keep it safe and enjoyable for all. 

Collaborate  to work together for a certain goal  

Connection - a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else   

You can access our weekly learning calendar here

Around the Corner

11/9 - Original Works Fundraiser Due

11/11 - Veteran's Day NO SCHOOL!

11/23 - 11/27 Thanksgiving Break NO SCHOOL!

November Advocacy - Community 11/2/20

Hello All, 

Now more than ever we need community. This month is an opportunity to focus on what community is and creating it within our advocacy. Being a part of a community creates belonging and connection. Brene Brown defines connection as…  

“The energy that exists between people when they feel seen, heard, and valued; when they can give and receive without judgement; and when they derive sustenance and strength from the relationship.”

The students, staff, and families of Westgate believe in this connection. That is why we have advocacy. It’s why we start in a circle every morning and every staff meeting; to ensure each person is seen.   

 This month we will begin learning about communities in the literal sense by investigating the similarities and differences of where people live. We will also learn about the people who work to keep our community safe and enjoyable for all. Later in the month we will dig deeper into the idea of community by taking a closer look at our community here at Westgate and the role we play in making Westgate great! 



Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. A social unit that has commonalities such as norms, religion, values, customs, or identities. Examples – could be your specific neighborhood community, our Westgate community, scientists, teachers, LGBTQ+, specific sports teams  

Urban- a town or city

Suburban- outside of the city, residential

Rural- countryside

Community Helper- the people who live an work in a community to help keep it safe and enjoyable for all. 

Collaborate  to work together for a certain goal  

Connection - a relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else   

You can access our weekly learning calendar here.

Friday Social Hours!

Hello All,
Now that we are going back into distance learning the need for connection and community is of great importance. Katie Goforth and Julie Ruhl will be hosting grade level Social Zooms for all students throughout the day every Friday. Social Zooms are intended to be an unstructured space for kids to connect. Ms. Katie and Mrs. Ruhl are hosting the Zoom, but the purpose of the Social Zoom is to allow students to connect organically. They will ensure the Zoom remains school appropriate, safe and comfortable for all students! 

October Advocacy: Bully Prevention 10/26/20

Hello All! 

Our monthly Advocacy theme for October is Bully Prevention. This week we will continue learning and practicing how to handle conflict and disrespectful behavior. Students will practice using the ENOUGH protocol to handle common conflicts in the classroom and at recess.

ENOUGH Protocol

1. Turn to the person and say "please stop _______. I don't like it or it hurts my feelings. 

2. If the person persists turn and firmly but kindly say "ENOUGH. I don't like it when you _____. While saying enough the student will place left hand out in front of them, palm facing up, and the right hand will karate chop the left hand. Then WALK AWAY. Walking away is the most challenging part for our kinders.

3. If the person persists and follow then the student should tell a teacher immediately.  

Students will also learn what it means to be an upstander rather than a bystander. A few years ago Westgate was honored to be a part of the making of a documentary on Upstanders and bully prevention and will be offering a virtual screening on October 28th from 6pm - 8pm. Check your email for additional details. Click here for the trailer! 


Bully - Bystander - Upstander - ENOUGH

Here is a video we like to share with our students about bullying. These may give you some ideas and talking points at home. 

Meanie Jean Recess Queen -


What makes someone a good friend?

Why would someone bully another person?

How does it feel to be told “enough”?

How does it feel to be the victim of bullying?

Picture Retakes

Picture days will be Wednesday, October 28, and Thursday, October 29. These days are for students and staff who did not get their picture taken in September, and for students who would like retakes. *Retakes will only be given if the student brings the original photo package back to the photographer.* In general, we will be photographing in-person learners on Wednesday (because that is not costume day!) and online learners on Thursday. Online learners need to contact me for a time slot for Thursday. A staff member will be coming to the classrooms on Wednesday with the list of those students who did not already get the picture taken.

You can access our weekly learning calendar here.

On the Horizon

10/19 - 11/2 Families will be able to order products on the Original Works website. (see email and original works edlio post for more details.)

10/26 - 1010/29 SPIRIT WEEK!

10/27 6:30-8:30pm Board of Directors Meeting

10/28 Upstanders Documentary Screening 6pm. Please Register Here

10/28 Picture Retakes - In Person Students 

10/29 Picture Retakes - Online Students 

11/2 Order deadline date to guarantee all orders are turned around quickly and in plenty of time for the holidays.

Late November to Early December – Products will be delivered directly to families’ homes.

October Advocacy: Bully Prevention 10/19/20

Hello All! 

Our monthly Advocacy theme for October is Bully Prevention. This week we will continue learning and practicing how to handle conflict and disrespectful behavior. Students will practice using the ENOUGH protocol to handle common conflicts in the classroom and at recess.

ENOUGH Protocol

1. Turn to the person and say "please stop _______. I don't like it or it hurts my feelings. 

2. If the person persists turn and firmly but kindly say "ENOUGH. I don't like it when you _____. While saying enough the student will place left hand out in front of them, palm facing up, and the right hand will karate chop the left hand. Then WALK AWAY. Walking away is the most challenging part for our kinders.

3. If the person persists and follow then the student should tell a teacher immediately.  

Students will also learn what it means to be an upstander rather than a bystander. A few years ago Westgate was honored to be a part of the making of a documentary on Upstanders and bully prevention and will be offering a virtual screening on October 28th from 6pm - 8pm. Check your email for additional details. Click here for the trailer! 


Bully - Bystander - Upstander - ENOUGH

Here is a video we like to share with our students about bullying. These may give you some ideas and talking points at home. 

Meanie Jean Recess Queen -


What makes someone a good friend?

Why would someone bully another person?

How does it feel to be told “enough”?

How does it feel to be the victim of bullying?

You can access our weekly learning calendar here.

On the Horizon

10/14 - 10/21 PALS Literacy Window for K-3 grade

10/15 5:30-7:00 pm Student Accountability Committee Meeting (virtual)

10/19 - 11/2 Families will be able to order products on the Original Works website. (see email and original works edlio post for more details.)

10/27 6:30-8:30pm Board of Directors Meeting

10/28 Picture Retakes

10/29 Picture Retakes

11/2 Order deadline date to guarantee all orders are turned around quickly and in plenty of time for the holidays.

Late November to Early December – Products will be delivered directly to families’ homes.

October Advocacy: Bully Prevention 10/13/20

Hello All! 

Happy Fall. I hope you all had a wonderful Fall Break and are ready to jump back into learning. We are so excited to begin Quarter 2 by welcoming students back in to the building. Our monthly Advocacy theme for October is Bully Prevention. All month long we will learn strategies to empower students to handle conflict and disrespectful behavior. Social-conflict resolution is a life-long skill that will enable them to advocate for themselves in situations where they feel disrespected. Students will learn about the ENOUGH protocol and we will practice using this strategy to handle common conflicts in the classroom and at recess.

ENOUGH Protocol

1. Turn to the person and say "please stop _______. I don't like it or it hurts my feelings. 

2. If the person persists turn and firmly but kindly say "ENOUGH. I don't like it when you _____. While saying enough the student will place left hand out in front of them, palm facing up, and the right hand will karate chop the left hand. Then WALK AWAY. Walking away is the most challenging part for our kinders.

3. If the person persists and follow then the student should tell a teacher immediately.  

Students will also learn what it means to be an upstander rather than a bystander. A few years ago Westgate was honored to be a part of the making of a documentary on Upstanders and bully prevention and will be offering a virtual screening on October 28th. Click here for the trailer! 


Bully - Bystander - Upstander - ENOUGH

Here is a video we like to share with our students about being an upstander. These may give you some ideas and talking points at home.

What makes someone a good friend?

Why would someone bully another person?

How does it feel to be told “enough”?

How does it feel to be the victim of bullying?

On the Horizon

10/14 Return from Fall Break & Begin Quarter 2!

10/14 - 10/21 PALS Literacy Window for K-3 grade

10/15 5:30-7:00 pm Student Accountability Committee Meeting (virtual)

10/27 6:30-8:30pm Board of Directors Meeting

10/28 Picture Retakes

10/29 Picture Retakes









Advocacy Update: Self Care 9/28/20

Our theme for Advocacy this month is Self-Care. We will continue focusing on routines, healthy eating and sleeping habits, activities and hobbies that bring joy, and anything that relates to self care and mindfulness. Click here for an interactive self-care menu you can implement at home. 
On the Horizon
9/28-9/30 Regularly Scheduled Online Learning & Zoom Meetings
10/1 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
10/1 - 9am - 12pm School Picture Pick Up and Carline Card Pick up for QTR 2
10/2 - No School - Parent Teacher Conferences
10/2 9am - 12pm School Picture Pick Up and Carline Card Pick Up for QTR 2
10/14 First Day of QTR 2  - Student Return to School! 
You can access our weekly learning calendar here.

September Advocacy Update: Self-Care 9/7/20

Our theme for Advocacy this month is Self-Care.We will focus on routines, healthy eating and sleeping habits, activities and hobbies that bring joy, and anything that relates to self care and mindfulness. We will send out various resources and activities throughout the month of September. 

Westgate Community School Virtual Walk 

Feeling tired?  Stressed? Overwhelmed? Lazy? Anxious? Feeling good? Drop everything and let’s take a nice little evening walk together.  Join Mr. Wise and Westgate Community School as we go on a ‘zoom walk’ together. Get your family, friends, pets, and neighbors together; go to your favorite walking spot (or around the block) and enjoy an evening filled with some physical activity. Check your email for Zoom login info! 

Dates and Time 
1) Thursday, September 10th, 2020.  5:30pm-6:30pm 

2) Thursday, September 24th, 2020.  5:30pm-6:30pm 

Click here to access an article on Wellness and Self-Care, written by Mr. Rowan and Ms. Washington. It has great tips and tricks for staying healthy and caring for yourself and others during this time of change. 
On the Horizon: 
9/4 - No School Teacher Work Day
9/7 No School Labor Day Holiday
9/8 Board of Directors Meeting 6:30pm - 8:30pm
9/10 Spirit Night Noodles and Company 14375 Orchard Pkwy
9/10 Virtual Walk & Talk with Mr. Wise via Zoom
9/11 Friday Community Connect via Zoom 11:00am - 12:00pm
9/14 - 9/18 Face to Face Learning for Selected Students (same schedule as orientation week)
9/22 Board of Directors Meeting 6:30pm - 8:30pm
9:24 Virtual Walk & Talk with Mr. Wise via Zoom 5:30pm - 6:30pm
View our weekly learning calendar here

Advocacy Update: Gratitude 8/31

We will be rotating between various themes for each day of advocacy. There will be a seesaw activity for each day. Once completed I will share it to our classroom blog for all to see. This will encourage connection between students and building relationships. I am excited to see what each student comes up with! 
Make me Laugh Monday: Use the video feature on Seesaw to share something to make your friends laugh, a joke, funny face, silly picture. 
Tricky Tuesday: I will share clues and students will illustrate what they think I am describing. Students will use the video feature to show us their illustration and talk about what they think I was describing and why. 
Would you rather Wednesday: Students will respond to a prompt using the video tool and deciding if they would rather one choice or another and describe why. 
Think about it Thursday: We will begin our Service learning unit on Gratitude. Students will be challenged to learn, demonstrate, and teach about being grateful and showing gratitude. I am excite to partner with Mrs. Valenza, our AMAZING Environmental Ed. Teacher! 
Click here to download our weekly learning schedule. 
My Zoom Office Hours are Mondays from 3:00 pm - 4:00pm and Wednesdays from 2:00pm - 3:00pm (The zoom link is the same link used for Zoom meetings with students). This time is set aside to offer you and your students any additional support and guidance you might need. Feel free to pop in or email to schedule a time and ask for help. If I am currently working with a student or family I will have you wait in the waiting room until it is your turn. 
Please reach out with any questions you may have. Remember this is new for all of us and there will surely be a few bumps in the road. I am here to support you and your child!