Mrs. Maslen's Science Class


Science Week of 5/17-5/21

All documents can be found on the daily assignment in Teams unless otherwise posted. 

 Monday 5/17

Objective(s): I can create a graph using past weather data.

 Tuesday 5/18

Objective(s): I can understand that my region’s geography has specific landforms and natural hazards and I understand how the geography is connected to natural hazards in my area..

Wednesday 5/19

Objective(s): I can provide give steps to reduce the impact of a natural hazard.

  • Research how to stay safe during the natural hazard/disaster you picked yesterday ( ).
  • Finish Geography page.

Thursday 5/20

Objective(s): I can research attractions for my location.

  • Complete Attractions Worksheet using research from

Friday 5/7

  • Work on missing assignments. All late assignments will be accepted until Wednesday 5/26

Science Week of 5/3

Monday 5/3

Objective(s): I will learn humans cannot eliminate natural hazards, but we can take steps to reduce their impact.


Tuesday 5/4

Objective(s): I can compare and contrast tornadoes, dust storms, and hurricanes.

  • Writing response: Do you have strong winds where you live? Have you ever experienced a natural hazard like a tornado, hurricane, or dust storm?
  • Take Notes on the Venn Diagram (Class Notebook) on the first and second video in the Mystery Science lesson
  • Exit Ticket: In your opinion, which of the natural hazards (hurricane, tornado, or dust storm) do you think is the most dangerous? Support your answer with information you learned today. (Bottom of Venn Diagram page in Class Notebook)

Wednesday 5/5

Objective(s): I can use a model to test a house's safety in a windstorm. I can define design #1’s problem and explain why it is important to fix.

  • Follow the Mystery Science lesson video (steps 1-14) to build a paper house. (Save these items for the rest of the week!)
  • Answer Question #1 on Design a Wind-Proof House (in Class Notebook): What’s the problem with the house? Why does it matter? Why is it important to fix it?


Thursday 5/6

Objective(s): I can engineer a better design to keep my house from blowing away during a windstorm.

  • Follow the Mystery Science lesson video (steps 17-19) to build a paper house (design 1 and design 2). (Save these items for the rest of the week!)
  • Exit Question: Which design worked better and why? Design a Wind-Proof House (in Class Notebook)


Friday 5/7

Objective(s): I can engineer a better design to keep my house from blowing away during a windstorm.

  • Watch the lesson video for today.
  • Summer Ice Storm- Hail Protection Worksheet
    • Students will draw and design a product that will:
  1. Protect cars or trucks in a hailstorm
  2. Fold up so it can fit inside a car or trunk.
  3. Be lightweight so people can easily set it up.

Note: Students can create a small model of this if desired, but it is not required. Students will share their hail protection work for warm-ups next week.

Science Week of 4/19

Monday 4/19

Objective(s): I can define the difference between weather and climate.

I will be able to figure out where in the world it's hot, where it's cold, and everything in between, what are the different kinds of climates on Earth, and where can you find them?

  • Writing response: What’s the climate like where you live: is it more like where Doug grew up? Or more like where Shelley grew up? Or something else?
  • Complete Climate Decoder
  • 4/19 Exit ticket: What is the difference between climate and weather?

Tuesday 4/20

Objective(s): I can describe patterns of typical weather conditions over different areas of the world.

Exit Ticket: What patterns did you notice about climate in today’s lesson?

Wednesday 4/20

Objective(s): I can describe patterns of cloud climate conditions in the atmosphere.

  • Summer Ice Storm Clue Book pages 5 & 6

Thursday 4/20

Objective(s): I can use close reading techniques to understand a text.

  • Read “An Introduction to Climate” 3 times (see video for directions)
  • 4/20 Exit Ticket: What steps do we take to close read? How can close reading help us when we read?

Friday 4/20


Science Week of 4/12

All documents can be found on the daily assignment in Teams unless otherwise posted. 

Monday 4/12

I will be able to explain the ingredients need to form a cloud: evaporation, dust or ice particles, and cooling.

  1. Attend lesson on Zoom or view video 
  2. Warm- up: Temperature Frayer Model (4/12 Science Work on Class Notebook)
  3. Weather Frayer Model (4/12 Science Work on Class Notebook)
  4. Learn about weather, climate, rain gauge and precipitation (Watch lesson video)
  5. View Cloud in a Jar Experiment
  6. Complete the exit ticket for today. This is at the bottom of the 4/12 Science Work on Class Notebook
  7. Click turn-in.
Tuesday 4/13
I will understand how wind is formed: air becoming warm (and less dense) and raising while the cold air (more dense) moves over to  fill the empty space. 
  1. Attend lesson on Zoom or view video
  2. Learn how wind is created (Watch lesson video)
  3. Complete the exit ticket for today. This is at the bottom of the 4/13 Exit Ticket on Class Notebook (Do not complete the top part as our experiment did not work)
Wednesday 4/14
I will be able to identify cold and warm fronts. I will be able to describe high and low air pressure.
  1. Attend lesson on Zoom or view video
  2. Learn about high air pressure, low air pressure, cold front, and warm front (Watch lesson video)
  3. Watch Cold Front video
  4. Watch Warm Front
  5. Complete the 4/14 exit ticket for today. What is a warm front? How does it work? What is a cold front? How does it work? (on paper or in Class Notebook)
Thursday 4/15
I will be able to define climate.
  1. Attend lesson on Zoom or view video 
  2. Begin a Frayer model on the word climate. (Watch lesson video)
  3. Watch the video Weather vs. Climate and look for more characteristics, examples, and non-examples of climate to add to your Frayer model.
  4. Turn in your Climate Frayer Model as your exit ticket for today.
Friday 4/16
I will be able to show my learning about weather on MobyMax.
  1. Watch lesson video on Teams.
  2. Complete the following lessons on Moby Max Science (these should be in your assignments list). Answer the questions for the lesson to show your understanding of the science topics. 
    1. Weather
    2. Weather and the Atmosphere
    3. Different Parts of Weather
    4. Measuring Weather

Science Week of 4/5

All documents can be found on the daily assignment in Teams unless otherwise posted.

Monday 4/5

I can explain the natural process of cloud formations. I can observe the weather in a natural phenomenon.

  1. Read the “The Whys of Weather – Clouds” passage
  2. Answer the comprehension questions for “The Whys of Weather – Clouds”
  3. Complete Lesson Mystery Science lesson Summer Ice Storm
  4. Create a see-think-wonder chart (see video for example and discussion)

Tuesday 4/6

I can observe and explain the natural process of cloud formations.

  1. Warm-up: Write 2 take-aways about clouds and water particles from yesterday’s lesson." (Complete in writing notebook)
  2. Participate in Mystery Science lesson Where Do Clouds Come From? Exploration
  3. Complete Hands-On Activity (experiment) (Where Do Clouds Come From? )(If you are at home, you can use a clear glass and a plate on top as the lid).
  4. Answer questions on Gas Trap Experiment Sheet
  5. Exit ticket: How does the model in the experiment help you understand how clouds are formed? Describe how clouds are formed?

Wednesday 4/7

I can make predictions about the weather based on the clouds and wind.

  1. Play Mystery Science Exploration video and take guided notes in Storm Spotter’s Guide.
  2. Complete Mystery Science Activity . Use the Storm Guide Book to answer the questions on the Will It Storm Worksheet.

Thursday 4/8

I can collect weather data to determine the origin of the Summer Ice Storm phenomenon.

  1. Mystery Science: Where do clouds come from? Anchor Connection Answer corresponding questions in the Summer Ice Storm Clue Book
  2. Mystery Science Stormy Skies- Anchor Connection Answer corresponding questions in the Summer Ice Storm Clue Book

Friday 4/9

I will be able to identify four different cloud types: cumulus, cumulonimbus, stratus, stratonimbus.

  1. Watch video to learn about weather tools.
  2. Take cloud notes on the back of the Cloud Viewer sheet.
  3. Create your own Cloud Viewer (instructions on video).
  4. Read Studies Weekly Week 4:
    1. Article 5: Red Sky at Night, Sailor’s Delight?
    2. Article 7: “Barometer”
    3. Article 10: Charting Clouds (and complete in Class Notebook)

Science Week of 3/15-3/19

Monday 3/15
  • Warm-up: List as many facts as you can about tectonic plates.
  • Investigate tectonic plates with the class on BrainPOP
Tuesday 3/16
  • Warm-up: How could the world have looked different when dinosaurs roamed the earth? How did dinosaurs end up on different continents when we now have large oceans separating them?
  • Complete the "Is Pangea real? Investigation"
    • "What do you think happened?" worksheet
    • Continental puzzle
    • "Chart your findings" worksheet
Wednesday 3/17
  • Warm-up: If California broke off of North America, would it be a new continent? Why or why not?
  • Complete continental drift notes
  • Complete 3/17 - Exit ticket
Thursday 3/18
No school
Friday 3/19
No school

Science Week of 3/8

This week students will be wrapping up Earth-space Science: Week 3 - Volcanos and Earth Movement
  • Essential Question: How does the movement of tectonic plates and magma affect the Earth?
Monday 3/8: Earth-space Science: Week 3 
I can identify how tectonic plate movements affect the Earth
I can identify the different kinds of volcanoes
  • Warm-up: Brainstorm a list of facts you know about volcanoes
  • Article 1- Our Busy Planet
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Article 2 - Scientist Study Busy Earth at Yellowstone
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Article 3 -Volcanos and Earth Movements
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Complete Exit Ticket attached to today's assignment
Tuesday 3/9: Earth-space Science: Week 3
I can identify what a tiltmeter is and why scientist use it
I can identify what happens when an underwater volcano erupts
  • Warm-up: Add to your list of volcano facts: What new facts did you learn from yesterday’s readings
  • Read Article 7- Tiltmeter
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article10- Let's Investigate
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 4- Underwater Volcano
    • Answer the questions below the article
    • Do the experiment
  • Complete today's exit ticket
Wednesday 3/10: Earth-Space Science: Week 3
I can what a seismograph is and why scientist use them
  • Warm-up: I can what a seismograph is and why scientist use them
  • Read Article 5 - Seismographs
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 8 - Jacques Piccard (1922-2008)
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 9 - Seismograph
    • Answer the questions below the article
    • Do the experiment
  • Complete Exit Ticket attached to today's assignment
Thursday 3/11: Earth-Space Science: Week 3
I can identify what soil is made of.
  • Warm-up: What do you think soil is made of? Make a list of different things you think are in the soil.
  • Read Article 6 - How is soil made?
  • Read Article 11 - Science Fact
  • Play Kahoot to help you review for the test tomorrow
Friday 3/12: Earth-Space Science: Week 3
I can identify how the movement of tectonic plates and magma affect the Earth.
  • Take Earth-Space Science Week 3 Test

Science Week of 3/1

This week students will be wrapping up Earth-space Science: Week 2 - Our Planet Earth.
  • Essential Question: What is our Earth made up of?
Monday 3/1: Earth-space Science: Week 2 
I can identify how different types of rocks are formed.
  • Warm- up:  Assign students 2 vocabulary words. Students will use the seven minutes to find and create a definition. 
  • Article 1- A Big Rock
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Article 3 - Our Planet Earth
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Complete Exit Ticket attached to today's assignment
Tuesday 3/2: Earth-space Science: Week 2
I can identify why Earth day is important.
I can identify different ways diamonds are used.
  • Warm- up: Brainstorm a list of what you know about Earth day
  • Read Article 2-A Special Day For Earth
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article7- Diamonds for Everything
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Complete today's exit ticket (Put the Rock Cycle in Order)
Wednesday 3/3: Earth-Space Science: Week 2
I can identify why it would not be easy to reach the center of the earth
  • Warm- up:  Do you think the center of the Earth is like the movie "Journey to the Center of the Earth"?  Why or Why not? Watch this clip: 
  • Read Article 8 - Jules Verne
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 6 - Can we reach the center of the earth?
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 12 - Comparing Rocks
  • Complete Exit Ticket attached to today's assignment
Thursday 3/5: Earth-Space Science: Week 2 
I can compare and investigate different kinds of rocks
  • Compare and investigate rocks with the class
  • Use "Rock Findings" to help you take notes
Friday 3/5:Earth-Space Science: Week 2
  • Play Kahoot to help you review for the test
  • Take Earth-Space Science Week 2 Test

Science Week of 2/22

This week students will be wrapping up Earth-space Science: Week 1 - Technology and Inventions.
  • Essential Question: How has technology changed lives in the past 150 years?
Students will also start Earth-space Science: Week 2 - Our Planet Earth
  • Essential Question: What is our Earth made up of?
Monday 2/22: Earth-space Science: Week 1 - Technology and Inventions.
I can identify complex machines and why they are complex.
I can identify how technology has helped change lives.
  • Warm- up: Brainstorm a list of simple machines we use. You can also tell me what type of simple machine.
  • Read Article 5- Machines
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 8 - Thomas Edison
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Play Kahoot to help you review for tomorrows test
Tuesday 2/23: Earth-space Science: Week 1 - Technology and Inventions.
I can identify how technology has helped change lives.

I can use text evidence to help me answer questions.

  • Warm- up: What was your favorite or most interesting discovery in Earth-Space Science Week 1?
  • Take Earth-Space Science: Week 1 on Studies weekly
  • After completing explore
Wednesday 2/24: Earth-Space Science: Week 2 - Our Planet Earth
I can  identify the difference between Stalactites and Stalagmites and how they are formed.
  • Warm- up:  Watch stalactites and Stalagmites to introduce today’s lesson
  • Read Article 4 - Cave Crystals
    • Do the experiment
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Read Article 5 - Mining
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Complete Exit Ticket attached to todays assignment
Thursday 2/25: Earth-Space Science: Week 2 - Our Planet Earth
I can identify how different types of rocks are formed.
  • Warm- up:  Assign students 2 vocabulary words. Students will use the seven minutes to find and create a definition. 
  • Article 1- A Big Rock
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Article 3 - Our Planet Earth
    • Answer the questions below the article
  • Complete Exit Ticket attached to todays assignment
Friday 2/26:
I can Identify different types of rocks and their characteristics.

Science 2/15 - 2/19

NO SCHOOL: 2/15 and 2/16
This week's Science to-do's:
1. Earth - Space Science Week #1 Newspaper articles 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6
2. Exit Tickets (graded)
3. Make a Lemon Battery
4. THIS diagram

Science Distance for 2/1-2/5

Click this file to see this week's calendar (Science):
This week's Science to-do's:
1. Life Science Week #8 Newspaper articles
2. Complete your Human System worksheet (graded)
3. Life Science Week #8 Test (graded)

Science Schedule- 1/25 - 1/29

Click this file to see this week's calendar (Science):
This week's Science to-do's:
1. Life Science Week #7 Newspaper articles
2. Three Takeaways for each day's articles
3. Answer all the Ecosystem Project questions (class notebook)
4. Complete your ecosystem poster, PowerPoint, or diorama (graded)
5. Life Science Week #6 Test (graded)

Science Week of 1/18 - 1/22 (Maslen)

Click this file to see this week's calendar (Science):
This week's Science to-do's:
1. Life Science Week #6 Newspaper articles
2. Three Takeaways for each day's articles
3. "1/19 - Is it a producer, consumer or decomposer?" in class notebook
4. Work on your ecosystem project
5. Life Science Week #6 Test

Science - 1/11 - 1/15 (Maslen)

Click this file to see this week's calendar (Science):
This week's Science to-do's:
1. Life Science Week #5 Newspaper articles
2. Three Takeaways for each day's articles
3. "1/12 Comparing Ancient Animals to Animals Today" in your class notebook.
4. "1/13 - Know your ancient animal" in your class notebook
5. Life Science Week #5 Test