English 11

Course Description

We will cover the curriculum standards: exploring grammar, literature, informal and informative texts. My expectation is that you will participate in your learning process with curiosity and authenticity. I will lead the class in instruction and lecture, we will also participate in group work and discussion, partner work, independent seat work, and project-based learning exercises. In various units, there will be an opportunity for student-led discussion and individual assignments to demonstrate understanding. Students will have the opportunity for self-assessment as well as for teacher guidance and assessment throughout the course. 

The materials include texts that are high quality and engaging, and provide students opportunities to work with texts at the appropriate level of rigor with depth and complexity. Questions and tasks students work with are consistently linked to texts and provide ongoing practice in grade-level reading, writing, speaking and listening, and language. Throughout the units of study, students are exposed to a variety of texts that assist students in answering the unit’s Essential Question. This challenges the traditional use of text in specific grades and allows students to be exposed to a variety of subjects and themes. Genres include memoirs, blog posts, essays, short stories, novel excerpts, news articles, poems, and drama.


Week of 4/27-4/30


Weekly Objectives: 


  • Identify influences of J.D. Salinger and historical and personal context of influence for his writing of Catcher in the Rye  
  • Name setting and identify the beginning of character development by naming and citing traits


New Assignments: 

  • Review Catcher in the Rye Characters 
  • Character Worksheet  
  • Day 2: Read Chapters 3-6 
  • Setting Worksheet 


Late Assignments as of 4/27: 

  • Pre Reading Catcher in the Ry 
  • Chapter 1 Catcher v. Copperfield 
  • Day 2: Read Chapters 2 & 3  


Week of 4/19-4/23


Weekly Objectives: 


  • Identify influences of J.D. Salinger and historical and personal context of influence for his writing of Catcher in the Rye  



New Assignments: 

  • Pre Reading Catcher in the Rue  
  • Chapter 1 Catcher v. Copperfield 
  • Day 2: Read Chapters 2 & 3  
  • Setting Worksheet 


Week of 4/12-4/15


English 11 


11A: Monday/Wednesday 8:50-9:40 

11B: Tuesday/Thursday 8:50-9:40 

Upcoming: We will be starting Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger on Monday.  


Weekly Objectives: 


  • Eat breakfast & get a good night’s rest for the SAT!  



New Assignments: 

  • None this week 😊  


Week of 3/8-3/11


English 11


11A: Monday/Wednesday 8:50-9:40

11B: Tuesday/Thursday 8:50-9:40


Weekly Objectives:

Day 1

·        SAT Powerpoint and Video


Day 2

·        SAT Practice Prep

New Assignments:

·        Essay Due at the end of the week 3/12

·         SAT Practice Prep Test

Late Assignments:

·       Audience Analysis

·       Annotation Notes 1-30

·       Annotation Notes 30-60

Week of 2/22-2/26


English 11 



11A: Monday/Wednesday 8:50-9:40 

11B: Tuesday/Thursday 8:50-9:40 


Zoom ID: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73302889749?pwd=STl2YUtlSGxwckxwRTAzWXhiMWw4UT09 

password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files 


Weekly Objectives: 


  • Read Pages 1-30 of Book  
  • Present Essay Question  



  • Excerpt and assignment  

New Assignments: 

  • Annotation Notes on Pages 1-30  

Late Assignments: 

  • Annotation Notes 
  • Narrative Assignment 
  • Evaluating Purpose  
  • SOAPStone Analysis Decoded 
  • Analysis of Rhetoric Paragraph 


Week of 2/17-2/19


English 11



11A: Monday/Wednesday 8:50-9:40

11B: Tuesday/Thursday 8:50-9:40


Zoom ID: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73302889749?pwd=STl2YUtlSGxwckxwRTAzWXhiMWw4UT09

password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files


Weekly Objectives:


·          Read Pages 1-30 of Book

·          Discussion relating to essential questions

• How can poverty affect succeeding generations?

•  Does racism affect minority groups’ ability to break out of the cycle of poverty?

•  What personal qualities can help you to deal with conflict and change?




New Assignments:

·          Discussion Questions

·          Annotation Notes

Late Assignments:


·          Narrative Assignment

·          Evaluating Purpose

·          SOAPStone Analysis Decoded

·          Analysis of Rhetoric Paragraph


Week of 2/8-2/12

English 11Classes:
11A: Monday/Wednesday 8:50-9:40
11B: Tuesday/Thursday 8:50-9:40
password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files
Weekly Objectives:
  • Jay-Z’s narration video
  • In a paragraph, write a brief description that describes the rhetorical situation the lecture. What message is Jay Z delivering to the readers and viewers of The New York Times? Support your analysis of her rhetoric with specific references to the text. Support this statement with specific details from the book. Have effective topic and concluding sentences mentioning the rhetorical situation. Have at least two examples from the text analyzing the rhetorical situation with ample analysis.
  • Read and Annotate an Excerpt from Decoded
  • Read Pages 1-30
New Assignments:
  • Analysis of Rhetoric Paragraph
  • Annotation Notes
Late Assignments:
  • Narrative Assignment
  • Evaluating Purpose
  • SOAPStone Analysis

Week of 2/1-2/5

English 11



11A: Monday/Wednesday 8:50-9:40

11B: Tuesday/Thursday 8:50-9:40


Zoom ID: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/73302889749?pwd=STl2YUtlSGxwckxwRTAzWXhiMWw4UT09

password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files


Weekly Objectives

·        Narratives and Memoir

·        Decoded by Jay-Z (pdf can be found in Files in teams)

·        Review of Ethos, Pathos, Logos

Day 1

·        The House that Hova Built

·        Purpose Analysis

·        Evaluating Purpose Organizer

Day 2

·        Socratic Discussion on Documentary

“At Home” work:

·        Watch The Documentary “Reasonable Doubt

Due Monday 2/1

·        Everything Stuck to Him Questions

·        Narrative Due at the end of the week

New Assignments:

·        Watch Documentary

·        Purpose analysis on “The House Hova Built”

Week of 1/25-1/29

English 11

EQ: How can writing a script help an actor understand himself/herself and others? 

Here’s what you need to know:

Classes: Monday/Wednesday  8:45 – 9:30 AM

Zoom ID and password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files

Weekly Objectives

·        Narrative Writing

·        Essential Question: What do stories reveal about the human condition?


·        Everything Stuck to Him – About Ray Carver

·        Everything Stuck to Him Questions


·        Everything Stuck to Him Craft and Structure

Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.


Due Next Monday

·        Everything Stuck to Him – Writing Narrative

Week of 1/19-1/23

English 11

EQ: How can writing a script help an actor understand himself/herself and others? 

Here’s what you need to know:

Classes: Wednesday  8:45 – 9:30 AM

Zoom ID and password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files

Weekly Objectives

·        Narrative Text; what is it?

·        Essential Question: What do stories reveal about the human condition?

Monday – no class


·        Read Everyday Use by Alice Walker

·        Research Questions

Objective: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain.


Due Next Monday

·        Research Questions for “Everyday Use”

Week of 1/11-1/15


EQ: How can writing a script help an actor understand himself/herself and others? 

Here’s what you need to know:

Classes: Monday/Wednesday  8:45 – 9:30 AM

Zoom ID and password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files

Weekly Objectives

·        Narrative Text; what is it?

·        Essential Question: What do stories reveal about the human condition?


·        Read “Old Man at the Bridge” by Hemmingway

·        Identify vocabulary from the story related to the human condition


·        Read Everyday Use by Alice Walker

·        Research Questions

Due Next Monday

·        Quick write “How does a fictional character or characters respond to life changing news?”

·        Research Questions for “Everyday Use”

Week of 12/7-12/11

EQ: How can writing a script help an actor understand himself/herself and others? 

Here’s what you need to know:

Classes: Monday/Wednesday  8:45 – 9:30 AM

Zoom ID and password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files

Weekly Objectives

·       I can cite sources from the text (Death of A Salesman) to answer the questions of discussion [have your books in hand]

·       Monday: First, we will address any questions for the paper. Discuss what others are doing and where you are in the process.

Then, Class Discussion – at the end of class choose one of the questions we’ve discussed and provide your response and answer with evidence from the text

·       Wednesday: Finish up discussion.

Due Monday

·       Final Paper!

·       Feedback will be sent late Monday 12/7 (for those who have turned it in)

Week of 11/30-12/4

English 11

EQ: How can writing a script help an actor understand himself/herself and others? 

Here’s what you need to know:

Classes: Monday/Wednesday  8:45 – 9:30 AM

Zoom ID and password: Check your outlook calendar and/or Teams Files

Weekly Objectives

·       Identify themes in Death of a Salesman

·       Conclude Arthur Miller’s understanding of the world and/or himself

·       Introduce Equus and Identify Greek Tragedy elements to look for  

Due Monday

·       Have finished Act 2 :Death of Salesman

New Assignments

·       Work on Final Paper