Spanish I

Course Description

  In Spanish one, students will be introduced to the basics of beginner Spanish, will learn vocabulary about common real-life situations, and will learn to communicate basic phrases in the target language using proper grammar by the end of the year. The units covered will introduce students to vocabulary and conversations about greetings, classroom, family, clothing, weather, and food. The grammar focus for the year will be present-tense conjugation.

  In Spanish class we will work on classwork based on textbooks and workbooks, we will practice speaking activities collaboratively, we will listen to and sing songs to practice and for memorization, and we will practice vocabulary and grammar by playing virtual classroom games. We will create presentational projects that demonstrate knowledge and skill using role-playing, props, and virtual touring. We will learn about other cultures by hearing about what it is like to live in other countries and by making virtual tours of new places. Student learning will be assessed by testing listening, reading, writing, conversational speaking, and presenting.


Spanish 1 week of 5/24 to 5/28 of 2021

Class Zoom Link:

Office Hours link:

9A Meets at 8:50 a.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays

9B Meets at 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays

The focus for this week will be to prepare and complete the final exam. I will distribute them during the Tuesday class. If you have not finished by the end of the class, I will safely collect the materials and re-distribute them on the Thursday class and you will have the full Thursday class to work on the final exam. You will need to turn in all the final exam materials by the end of the Thursday class session.

Take time to review the study guide file posted to the final exam assignment in Teams.

Spanish 1 Week of 3-15-21

Spanish 1: Week of 3/15 to 3/17 of 2021

Be sure to check teams every day this week for a warmup question.


Monday:  For today, we will introduce the first vocabulary for the clothing unit. I will post two videos: Overviewing the week, and vocabulary practice. Complete quizlet learn for the set ‘A4 Clothing.’

Spanish 1 on 3-15 Video

Spanish 1 on 3-15 part 2 Spanish Video


Here is a song about a scarf: (20) Sr. Wooly - "Billy la Bufanda" - YouTube


Tuesday:  Today will be your first look at the A3 Fashion show project. Use this day to plan out what you will wear and create a draft in English to describe three items of clothing you will wear featuring what color they are and describe the cost of each.

Here is the sequel of the scarf song: (20) Sr. Wooly - "Billy y Las Botas" (English Subtitles) - YouTube

Spanish 1 on 3-16 Video


Wednesday: For today, I created a conjugation practice activity that will have you writing five basic conjugation sentences:

  1. Open the Conjugation power point.
  2. Open the quizlet program, and go to the set ‘A3 Verbos -ar.’ Start with the verb that corresponds with your birth month. For example, if you were born in March, go to the third one, ‘llegar.’
  3. Get your manipulative you created at the beginning of the semester.
  4. Write a simple sentence using the verb, and choose a random conjugation using your manipulative.

‘Pronoun’ + ‘verb’

Example: Nosotros llegamos.

  1. Move to the next verb in the list and do this again four more times. If you get to the last verb, start again at the beginning.

Spanish 1 on 3-17 Video


Here is a song about conjugation: (20) Sr. Wooly - "Billy y Las Botas" (English Subtitles) - YouTube