7th PE Shaw Q1

Course Description


PE 7th Week 6- 9/28-9/30

Great job this quarter. I really enjoyed having you guys on zoom in class. Thank you for all your effort and participation. For Monday, take a look at the Files section on Teams. Click on the file “spell your name workout.’ Complete the spell your name workout. No flipgrid necessary.  This week we will be getting warmed up and stretched out. Then we will be completing our post assessment in our class notebook.

PE Shaw Week 5- 9/21-9/25

It was nice to see most everyone this past week. I am looking forward to a great week in PE. This week we will continue to do our warm up and stretches. Monday, check to make sure that you completed last weeks Darebee.com Workout #2 on FLIPGRID! There are still many people who have not completed this assignment. Tuesday we will jump right into our fully body workout compliments of Darebee.com. Wednesday, I would like everyone to get outside and go for a walk. Does not have to be long, but get outside and take a little stroll, with your parents permission. On Thursday we will be doing our POST assessment located in CLASS NOTEBOOK. Student will use the time left over to complete a Spell Your Name Workout on Flipgrid 

Week 4- 9/14-9/18

Looking forward to seeing some people in person this week! 
For this week, I would like you to log into our PE teams page and complete the Flipgrid Darebee.com Workout #2. 
Stay active! 

PE 7th Week 3-9.8-9.11

Great job this last week. It was really nice seeing everyone zoom, thank you for joining me!

This week we will start our looking at how exercise and physical activity affects the brain. Students will be tasked with viewing the view “The 10 mental health benefits of exercise” and completing the corresponding flipgrid assignment. For Wednesday, I would like everyone to find another Darebee workout, one that will increase your heart rate, and complete the workout.

Thursday, we will be warming up, stretching, doing a full body workout, and then students will be asked to complete their “Spell Your Name Workout.” This assignment will be located in Flipgrid, each letter corresponds to a specific exercise. Record yourself spelling your name in workout form! For Friday, please continue to fill out your physical activity log on our class notebook.   

Assignments to be turned in:  
-Flipgrid Exercise and the Brain 

-Flipgrid Spell Your Name  

7th Shaw PE Week 2-8/31-9/4

This week we will continue to start class with a warm up and our stretching routine. This week we will be doing our Dynamic Stretching routine. A dynamic stretching routine, not only stretches the muscles, but also increases the bodies core temperature and serves as another warm up. On Tuesday students will be exploring Darebee.com. I will show them the website and walk them through how to navigate. They will be tasked with finding two workouts, or their choice, and completing the corresponding flipgrid assignment. They will have to tell me the name of the work out they choose, film themselves doing the workout, and then they will reflect on the effectiveness of their workout and answer the following questions: Did you feel this workout was beneficial for you? Why or why not? What was the hardest part of this workout? Why do you think this was so difficult? Would you choose to do this workout again.

On Thursday, we will be doing a full class workout with the goal being to participate in 15mins of continuous physical activity at a moderate to vigorous intensity.


-Flipgrid Darebee post

-Class Workout Thursday- if you are not in class, you will need to rewatch our video and record yourself doing the workouts.

Zoom Links and PW on TEAMS

The zoom links and passwords are stored in TEAMS. Log into teams. Up on the top tool bar you will see 'Files' click on it. The zoom link and password are in a word document that is attached. 
For some reason the link that was posted on my webpage works for some people. 

Week 1-8/24-8/28 PE Shaw

Zoom Time- Tuesday and Thursdays 1:45-2:15

Zoom Link- https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88139540626?pwd=ckFmRkNxTjhWN25lR29OOFFXUWYvUT09

Welcome to Westgate PE! I am your Physical Education teacher Mr. Wise and I am very excited to see everyone in class this week. At Orientation last week, you should have picked up your materials bag for the quarter. In this bag you will find a stack of ten paper plates and a jump rope. These two items are the materials we will be using throughout the rotation, please make sure they are close by when you come to class.

This week we will be starting our static stretching routine and sharing ways that we enjoy being active. Working to learn some of the major muscle groups and how to properly stretch them. We will be going over the flipgrid app, which we will be using through out the quarter, as well as using it to put together a little intro ABOUT ME video to share with the class. I will be using our time in class to show the students where to locate the app, how to join our Flipgrid class, and how to submit a video assignment.  Please make sure this is completed by Friday and that you have responded to at least one other students post/video.  On Thursday, we will get stretched out and then we will be jumping into a cardio workout with the goal being to participate in moderate to vigorous physical activity for 15-20minutes.  Please make sure you have your PE equipment on hand.

HW: Finish your flipgrid assignment and respond to one other students video.

Welcome Back!

Welcome back Westgate PE students. I am very excited to see everyone this year, I feel like it has been FOREVER! While we will not be seeing each other in person, we will still be getting together online and putting in some work. 
I wanted to make sure that everyone knows to check out YOUR class page posts for weekly updates/assignments. I will also be using TEAMS and FLIPGRID. I made a little intro video for Flipgrid/Team and it will be posted onto your Teams feed along with a 5-8 grading policy. 
During orientation, you will be getting some PE equipment to use at home. Please make sure you take good care of these items(ball, jump rope, paper plates) and have them around when you come into class, as we will be using them throughout the rotation. 
Looking forward to seeing everyone during our first class meeting 8/24!