Ms. Nieto's Science

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Weekly Update 9/3

This week in science students will...
-Work on their video projects for how disease spreads (Ebola virus)
-Watch and critique peers videos
-Prepare for quiz next Monday

Weekly Update 8/26

This week in Science students will...
-Finish their periodic element baby books on Monday
-Go back to their doodle notes on bacterial cells and germs
-Need to understand what the various parts of the bacterial cell do and how they function

8/20 Assignment

Please choose 1 article below to read and summarize using the RACES strategies. Restate the question, Answer the question, Cite, Explain, Summarize. After you write a summary answer the questions. Here:

Weekly Update 8/12

This week we will only have science 2 days. Students will continue reviewing and learning the scientific method through Myth Busters. We will also begin Science Safety practices.