7th/8th Grade Intro to Spanish Elective

Course Description

  In Spanish for 7th and 8th grade, students will be introduced to the basics of beginner Spanish, will learn vocabulary about common real-life situations, and will learn to communicate basic phrases in the target language based on the units they will choose. The Spanish for 7th and 8th grade is intended to serve as an introduction to Spanish language that will last for one quarter only.

  In Spanish class we will practice speaking activities using props, we will listen to and sing songs to practice and for memorization, and we will practice vocabulary and grammar by playing classroom games. We will create presentational projects that demonstrate knowledge and skill using role-playing, props, and virtual touring. We will learn about other cultures by hearing about what it is like to live in other countries and by learning about and making authentic crafts. Student learning will be assessed by testing listening, reading, writing, conversational speaking, and presenting.


SP7-8 Weekly Overview


5/4 Monday

5/5 Tuesday

5/6 Wednesday

5/7 Thursday

5/8 Friday

Project work day

Vocabulary practice

Project work day

Project presentations

Vocabulary quiz

Video production

SP7-8 Weekly Overview


4/27 Monday

4/28 Tuesday

4/29 Wednesday

4/30 Thursday

5/1 Friday



Project – Turn in writing

Project – Choosing Presentation Schedule

Vocabulary - Environment


Song of the day: Sr. Wooly - "¿Puedo ir al baño?"

SP7-8 on 4-20

We already started using the 'Environment' quizlet set. Now, complete 'test' in quizlet. You may uncheck, 'written' and you may take the test as many times as you like.

SP7-8 Calendar the week of 4-13 to 4-17








Quizlet Learn

Introduce Environment Project


Quizlet Match

Revisit Environment Project Expectations


Greetings Quizlet Learn

4/10/20 Lesson

Hello Spanish Introduction,

After looking over the preliminary results of the interest form, the first unit will be: Environment!

We will need you to make an account on www.quizlet.com if you don’t already have one.

Next, click ‘join a class’

Choose, Clase_de_Brinkley it is a picture of me as Hagrid from the Harry Potter books.

Join my ‘Spanish Introduction’ class

You can begin to practice the vocabulary terms in the ‘Environment’ set. We will officially assign parts of this starting on Monday. Have a nice weekend!